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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. you do know that the bigger the wheel the heavier it gets and it slows the car down, especially if they are just cast wheels. I run 20" BBS Detroits on my car, they are a 2 piece forged wheel, the same sized cast wheel would weigh alot more. the greater it is the larger impact it will have on your cars acceleration.
  2. yes, the wheels still have the same rolling radius, the bigger the wheeel gets the narrower the tyre gets to compensate for the bigger alloy
  3. 20" can work, but those are very narrow at 8.5, they arent staggered. if the car is stock height it will emphasis it and even brembos will look lost inside there
  4. they'll make your zed look like a rollerskate
  5. am impressed, looking forward to see how sky integrates in the UK onto the Xbox
  6. OVO don't show up in the compare websites so i went direct, they supply my area and the quote seemed good so I've gone with them. will have to see how things go, but they get a better review than first:utility, and seem on par crapness wise with EDF and E:ON who were my back up choices.
  7. The perm is a joke with only about 5 teams with any chance of winning as they have the biggest budgets. Best league in the world that's easy. The rugby union or rugby league leagues. Teams are fairly evenly matched, and when our plays coete at an international level they actually have a chance of winning. Until FIFA invest in British players and training we've got about as much chance of winning as I have of playing for Brazil.
  8. I know there is bad behaviour in rugby, the difference is that regardless of the player and the action they still respect the ref and the decision. They go to the sin bin, they call the ref sir, and they don't challenge the ref. If the refs not sure he gets the video ref involved. Evidence is then undisputable and people follow it. You don't find people lobbing flairs and smoke grenades at lines men in rugby. You don't have to be segregated to watch rugby, you can drink alcohol during the game. You'll find supporters of either teams sharing a pub. There are no rugby firms meeting up for fights. Or sectarianism based club support. Football is a passionate game but I do feel sometimes alot of that passion is miss placed.
  9. I used to love a good kick around and playing football, its a great game to play, but I can't stand watching it. FIFA has ruined the UK game. And left the English leagues with very little home grown talent. Football could learn a lot from rugby. UK football needs to cap salaries and take agents out of the picture. They need to limit the amount of foreign players on a team to say no more than 35%. They need to make full use of the video ref for decisions. Players need to respect the refs decision. Respect needs to be brought back to the game. Money has ruined the sport, the players have become over paid pitch diving fairies. They used to say football as a sport played by gentlemen. But I struggle to see any of that kind of conduct in the sport anymore. When my kids are old enough I'm more than happy to take them to a rugby game. But football is not an atmospheric sport id be happy exposing my kids to. Just watch kids play it at the grass routes level, with parents swearing and threatening refs. The racism at club level. And the greed and heavily publicized infidelity. Homophobia etc etc I could go on. Football is not a sport to find role models in. Rugby, you take a nock, you get back up and you soldier on. I yearn for the day football returns to the quality and high standard game it used to be.
  10. Even Nankang winter Tyres will be better than good summer Tyres.
  11. Will they get new netball skirts as part of their kit as well?
  12. Thanks mike that's good info, never thought of doing that
  13. So any one on here with first:utility? I'm thinking E:ON maybe the route to go.
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