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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Thanks, i shall follow this up and let you all know the outcome
  2. They said they've been trying to contact me, but the first I've seen is this text
  3. Got a strange text today from 'Oreil' never heard of them before, they seem to know me by name. But I've never heard of them. They claim to be debt collectors for blockbuster, they have given me a case number and a webaddress www.blockbuster.mysecuregateway.co.uk I've checked on and apparently I owe them £1.60 of which 60p from what I can gather is admin fee. I have no recollecting of giving back a late movie and secondly when they folded they kept about £10 from me in credit for exchanging Xbox games with them. But on their gateway link there is no contact section. Is this a crock of kaka? It honestly looks like a scam to me? Would I really be chased for £1.60? Anyone else had this? Any advice? In the grand scheme of life I'm not bothered about £1.60, but I also don't like giving out my card details to unknowns. And thirdly, should I really have to pay it if they owe me money?
  4. I've been here since 2008 I've learnt to ignore it.
  5. I'm not sure the coding in the forum would allow it, i think the most you'll get is a permanent sticky on each area. see what the tech mods say, but i think a big bold banner at the top of the page would look untidy. maybe better to change the OP of threads to go back and change their title if its obscure or obtuse. might be a new job for the local forum grammar nazi's
  6. its been asked before, and as with most things on this site people ignore it. if you look at all the sticky threads on the sales section, there are still loads of threads deleted because people dont read whats right in front of them. i think you'll be fighting a losing battle on this one unless you have an idea to take to the mod team to help them police it.
  7. You Vill Conform to Ze Forum rules on ze modification of ze car
  8. I'm still here and sold my zed back at 12,000 posts
  9. i always buy my paints from paints4u best spray nozzles in the business good colour matches and quality paint. make sure you use a plastic etch primer (plastic primer) for the plastics. its flexible so once dry it allows the paint to move with the plastic and reduces cracking. if its metal you can use normal primer, if its aluminium use an aluminium primer. also if your spraying, a DIY painters biggest enemy is the temp, make sure your not spraying in temps below 10 degrees, or in high humidity (which is alot in winter(high moisture contnet in the air)) paint does funny things in cold temps.
  10. i'm entitled an opinion as much as I am entitled to post on an open forum. I took part in a discussion where I was having banter with cragus and you turn it into a name calling match. But I didn't expect anything less from the forum wee man. My points still stand Currently Scotland spend more than they pay in, yes there is oil on the equation, but its a separate discussion in its self and a dwindling resource, and has been said, would be Scotland bargain chip if it has any hope of keeping the pound. Yes there is great wealth in Scotland but it also has the uks highest levels of deprivation, with one of the highest levels of unemployment and currently the lowest living age in the UK. Putting banter aside, if Scotland got independence and technically it could manage on its own, but at what cost? Taxation would go up and inflation would increase, the cost of living would go up a lot in order to support those who need it nd to maintain Scottish infrastructure. Dblock you said why are we trying to keep Scotland, its because as we're just coming out of extremely hard financial times, bows not the time to divide and conquer, we as a union are stronger united than divided nd squabbling over who gets what, It seems now has been chosen as the UK government seems at its weakest, Alex salmon has a list of demands I don't think he's going to get. And the UK have already tried to sweeten the deal by axing jobs in the Portsmouth docks instead of the Clyde bank. If the union splits there are a whole load of new issues, we can't keep our subs in Scotland so those and their jobs will move. Same with other military jobs, they'll all get shipped out and spread across the UK. And the list goes on, I just don't have time to type before going to work.
  11. my job has no reflection on my stand point, i love the fact people like to throw things back when it suits them. i'm sure your aware teachers are allowed opinions too, only difference is as a professional i keep my opinions out of the classroom. as this is not my classroom i'm entitled to say what i like. i haven't linked my place of work to my post nor have i reffered to it. my stand point is that yes scotland contributes to the union, but they currently seem to have a setup where they have some of the benefits with none of the risks. if scotland wants financial autonomy then they should pay for it themselves. but its never going to happen and its not worth the argument we're so intertwined as a union that breaking it up would be more work than its worth. they were tongue in cheek comments highlighting the same fact that everyone else was making is scottish independence wont work and will most likely fall flat on its arse if attempted. either in hugly inflated taxation to stabilise the economy or the fact that it would have no finiacial institution as no financial institution would back the scottish currency, or if it set up its own currency with its own backing, due to the fact its an unkown quanitity would be heavily undervalued and scotland would end up in a situation not dissimiliar to germany and the reichmark pre 1935. if you wish to debase yourself by referring to people as toss pots and dragging their careers in to a post for no other reasons that to fortify your weak retort then knock yourself out einstein. i have come across scots who are so nationalistic it verges on racism, and its that attitude that is often portrayed rightly or wrongly of scotland. i'm sure your next reply will involve something about how big you are and the fact that you'll turn up on my door step or who you know and who might turn up on my door stepp blah blah blah. if i'm honest i don't give a flying fk
  12. I suppose I should clear up from earlier, I am fully aware about the difference between BoE and RBS, I just used the example as both had the word Scottish in and both were an inevitable fk up. If I'm honest I really don't care what Scotland do, it has no affect on me. My biggest bug bear about Scotland is the Scottish, I've always found it a little one way. When ever anything is bad its British, as soon as its good, its Scottish. Andy Murray is a prime example, when he's losing the Scots refer to him as British, as soon as he wins all you hear is the cry of "FREEEEEEEEDOM!" and he's Scottish. I like Scotland, I like the Scottish, but so many of them that I've met have got a stick up their Ares about being Scottish. You hear of so many moaning about the British, but happily take the UK handouts. They like to moan while they have things we don't, no tuition fee's etc Honestly maybe they should try it independently I wonder if the same people would still be moaning. And yes I know most of you are against it which is good to see, I'm just hoping once the vote is out the way and the snap idea falls flats on its face, that those on their high nationlist horses will shut up (those you see on TV interviews, and the likes of question time etc)
  13. You already have the bank of Scotland RBS if I remember rightly, but they went financially fits up and had to be bailed out by the tax payer... which is probably exactly what will happen to an independent Scotland.
  14. use proper paints, proper plastic primers, and dont spray in environments wher the temp is below 10-15 degrees paint does funny stuff in humid/cold weather. also use light coats built up slowly. if paint is to thick the delivery agent gets trapped and can't evaporate.
  15. or the fact that when you married her you turned a blind eye to the fact she was a dirty slag, and now she's eyeing your neighbour and hoping to take the family silver with her
  16. if they want to go let them go, like any break up give it a few months and they come crawling back all apologetic offering a blowie as long as we'll be together again
  17. i love the fact scotland get a vote on if the want independence, as this is a 2 way relationship, should we not have a vote on if we want to keep scotland? its like having a divorce, but only one side of the marriage is calling all the shots. its like the rest of the uk are nigella lawson, and scotlands trying to be mr satcchi
  18. thanks guys, only just been able to log on to see this, been a nice birthday, quiet and kind of relaxing, dont get much chance to come on at the moment, with the 2 new arrivals being quiet time heavy and now the fact that i'm trying to prep for a new job that i start in jan in a mangement role. but i do still come on here when i get a spare moment. and today its at just gone 11 now the family have gone to bed i can work through the night prepping for the new job. hope you are all having a good holiday.
  19. Using bitdefender at the moment ant their total security package. Works very well.
  20. watch some good guides on YouTube I have the Haynes bodywork manual that's very good, but there are loads of guides online. Yes mask off the area, but don't spray up to the line or you'll end up with a lip when the tape is removed. Give yourself enough space to feather the paint near the line.
  21. I don't either, I think the saving grace is I can't afford one either so the fitting in is never going to be an issue.
  22. Sorry Hugh, I prefer the original gt40
  23. This is the company I buy all my paints from, their spray nozzles on the cans are some of the best around.
  24. If your living in your parents house and you spend most of your time in one room, you want decent sound, but on a budget... why not get a decent set of proper over ear head phones. immense sound depth, clarity and bass, and you don't then need to worry about disturbing the folks down stairs. Or if your set on budget, I think my aver cost me 200 from an online audio supplier, its a pioneer unit and does the job great. But I spent a lot more and got a full set of kef egg speakers and sub. Admittedly I bought second hand which saved a lot, but it was still 250, both together are Bout 5 times what you want to spend. Like I said decent headphones can make a real difference.
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