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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. admiral for me are about £50 cheaper than Sky can even get close to. but i pay the £50 more and use sky as i have cover for like for like parts (admiral require you to list them, but will not replace with anything other than OEM.) i have an agreed value with sky (admiral will only pay market value for what the guide books quote) sky should honour the valuation from the owners club or be pretty close. nothing wrong with admiral, used them for many years, even did well by me for a crash i had with them. but for my current car, they would not be the best option in the case of an accident. they would look after me, but i would lose out.
  2. having owned 2 out of your list of 3 and driven both on road and on track i would pick the S2000 everytime but its at this point you need reminding that car choice is a very personal thing; whats good for me, may not suit you. you need to go and drive all three and then make your own choice. i could spend ages trying to sell you on the virtues of the honda over the nissan, but if it doesn't suit your driving style then its pointless task
  3. The xk club don't mind modding, and you get cars like this wide body conversion http://www.zeemax.com/index_htm_files/2047.jpg Xk owners being their engine bays just like jape owners http://www.paragondesignuk.com/pics/eng3.jpg Only difference is it costs more to do.
  4. would like to, but vertigo is a bitch
  5. most haven't, i remember taking my mr2 to another dealer when they had opened up the front and where scratching their head on where the engine was
  6. Livens up a very dull badge design, I think its an improvement.
  7. I keep a spreadsheet with every part in order with mileage, cost, and explanation.
  8. Exactly. I keep thinking of all the stuff I could do if i was at home all day long. Whenever I baby sit him, i manage to clean the whole house - bathrooms, hoover, do the clothes washing, the whole lot, as the baby just sleeps most of the time so its an easy job really. I made the mistake of saying it was easy after I had the twins for the day. She just keeps saying, you don't know what its like you weren't there. Like some kind of Vietnam war veteran. Have to say a day with the kids was far less work than my day at work.
  9. Main dealer while in warranty, as soon as out of warranty go to a good indie. I use a motorsport specialist who do all my work. They build race cars, and do work for hangar 111, so i guess they can cope with my old jag. They looked after my S2000, 350z etc. Reputation and trust count for alot with garages. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  10. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  11. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  12. what's not petrol head about an R8? V8 mid engine 4wd sports car that shares the underpinnings of a Lamborghini and does 0-100 a hell of a lot quicker than most things on the road. God what a dullard its like he bought a Vauxhall or something.
  13. have been for a couple of years, or if its pints then cider, if bottle beer I do like a Newcastle brown.
  14. see I don t like it, I prefer vanilla based rums, MG has a cinnamon hint I'm not keen on.
  15. I know what to look for, have a little test for it, just a long way from Suffolk to drive to find out its no good.
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