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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. As far as I'm aware, no one in the uk runs ITB'S partly down to I think the high cost vs low gain. You'd also need to swap to a standalone eco, or see if someone like Horsham can re map the original eco to run a suitable map. You're then looking at a fair bit of RR Time in order to get the fuelling all setup etc.
  2. my ex who I dated for nearly 4 years was from Jamaica. Race was discussed many times. She and her family were very matter of fact. They were black. They didn't say afro Caribbean or coloured. They said, black is a colour. The PC crowd had made me far more nervous about offending than I ever should be. There has only been one time I think I've ever had a comment where I thought the person was racist. When I was asked if I felt dirty after sleeping with my black girlfriend. To me that is racist behaviour.
  3. When I was at school everyone used the term halfkast when referring to someone of mixed race. Even the mixed race kids used it with us when we asked what to call them. But now you wouldn't dare use it. I never saw it as derogatory but that was 20 years ago. I am right in thinking its not a good term to use?
  4. Just came across this, thought chubster might like it: Eeny meeny miny mo Jeremy Clarkson’s got to go It’s quite his thing, being far right wing Do UKIP need more staff? Er, no!
  5. I think it was a few years back when labour was in power, that ministers were told to only send Xmas cards that contained the phrase seasonal greetings. So as not to offend minority groups. For a long time I had been miss pronouncing a certain bird seed variety in the garden centre. Being dyslexic I hadn't picked up the difference of the double g. With regards to the nursery rhyme I use it occasionally when I teach. I didn't however know the n word appeared in it. I was brought up using the word minnow in its place. Just asked my wife... a primary teacher. They use it, but again she thought the word was tiger. But looking at it as an adult, it makes no sense, neither tigers or minnows have toes? Am I an accidental racist? Is it still racist to use the rhyme with a different word? If you can't use the rhyme, even with modified lyrics, how else do you pick which biscuit to eat next?
  6. Speed 6 could be had for under 10k a while back. Love tvr's awesome cars
  7. You can only be racial offended if you're a minority group. Otherwise you can just be offended. I don't like the n word and I think these days its going out of fashion. Which is no bad thing
  8. Zed is tuned for 98 Ron fuel which has cleaning additives in it. The xk club have seen positive improvements but mainly because the early xks are all tuned for 95 Ron, with no cleaning additives. I currently run a can of bg44k through my fuel tank once a year. I'll be getting mine done at some point partly because my last mot saw a high carbon reading
  9. Obviously a quiet week in the news sector for the mirror. And someone on the production team out to make a few quid by passing footage never used to a tabloid. Yet another piece of high quality tabloid journalism.
  10. I think some people just have too much time on their hands, not enough female contact, and a superfast broadband connection.
  11. Needle can be very off the mark at those speeds, best to judge with GPS for most accurate speed.
  12. Having been here for so long I'd argue zed ownership is/has headed in that direction. Not full on scum class chavs, more like a middle to upper class chav if that makes sense.
  13. I find a conversation about badge snobbery on here funny. The amount of people who look down on Vauxhall or s2000's to name a few, just because their Nissan has more than 4 cylinders.
  14. Do you need me to cut you some new decals to go on them?
  15. looks like he took the wrong vehicle then.
  16. Oil of Olay its all that fresh north sea air he gets at work
  17. i say hello to everyone regardless of gender i only say hello as it bumps my post count quicker
  18. The term sprinkle is out-dated now, there are loads of women on this forum, and plenty of blokes who whine like one as well. Welcome to the club and don't let the wildlife put you off.
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