I think it was a few years back when labour was in power, that ministers were told to only send Xmas cards that contained the phrase seasonal greetings. So as not to offend minority groups.
For a long time I had been miss pronouncing a certain bird seed variety in the garden centre. Being dyslexic I hadn't picked up the difference of the double g.
With regards to the nursery rhyme I use it occasionally when I teach. I didn't however know the n word appeared in it. I was brought up using the word minnow in its place. Just asked my wife... a primary teacher. They use it, but again she thought the word was tiger.
But looking at it as an adult, it makes no sense, neither tigers or minnows have toes?
Am I an accidental racist?
Is it still racist to use the rhyme with a different word?
If you can't use the rhyme, even with modified lyrics, how else do you pick which biscuit to eat next?