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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I own and wear an Australian rugby top. Doesn't mean I play at a pro level or for a national team. I just like the pretty colours.
  2. I like the car I like the wheels, I like the brakes. But to me as an engineer it looks like its had full suspension failure I get the idea of it, but its a bit like fake boobs. A bit of modification can look good, but then some people take it to extremes and then it looks silly
  3. I like a bit of stance, wide wheels, lower suspension, big brakes etc But this looks broken Thought I'd try it on my lawn mower, cos that's how I roll now
  4. Like some one said earlier, an audible tone like the seat belt undone one, but instead of an annoying bing and beep noise, it just keeps saying "tw@t" at you until you turn them off.
  5. cant remember the symbol but on jag approved tyres they have a little j in a circle on them. Nissan possibly is a little N in a circle. Some one on here will know.
  6. Possibly get 6 wheels in, Defo if you don't need the back seats. And tow easy
  7. Thank goodness the Canadians have some sense
  8. Wow look how cool that sh1t car looks now he's put his fogs on......said no one ever.
  9. Mostly young, stupid and in experienced. S2000 got the nickname widow maker as its far more twitchy at the back than the zed ever was. Same with the mr2 tubby. Zed is fairly planted, you either have to be unlucky or really stupid to crash a zed. Its setup to be safe. Id even say the zed is a good beginners car for learning how to drive RWD.
  10. I like white wheels, bit not sure the standard 18"s would carry it off
  11. Same tyre, but the third one is stamped to show its approved for the zed. Might have a minor compind change at most. But stick what ever tyre you like in it. Brisgestone aren't bad, but there are other tyres id put on first instead.
  12. Altea boot 480 litres, touareg 555 litres xc90 675 litres
  13. nice idea but the boots too small. Have picked the above too beasts as they are the size and cabin space I need.
  14. Can't go too wrong with either things I like about both. But I am rather smitten with the VW
  15. Any reason? I know the 3.0 is more refined, but both are fairly bullet proof I thought
  16. Would love the X5 but boots too small. Q7 is great, but got the choice down to two. Prefer the drive and interior of the VW but the loads space and family layout and the fact the xc90 is cheaper makes it hard to ignore. Looking at the 2.4 diesel on the XC and the 2.5 diesel on the touareg, Neither will set the world on fire performance wise, but is family practical for a few years.
  17. The new family biscuit wagon has boiled down to these 2 and I wondered if anyone had experience of either. My personal preference was the BMW X5 but after having a look at one sadly the boot wasn't big enough for the double buggy and all the extra gubbins. Have had a look at both the teg and the XC both will do the job. Personal preference is the VW but my wife prefers the Volvo as it has the largest boot with the back 2 seats down. Things I'm aware of on both XC90: spine gear on the AWD can fail, gear box failure, electrical faults, and water leaks, Touareg : gear box valves, prop shaft failure, wheel alignment
  18. Open to offers, need to really be in a family car within 3 weeks, may end up going on a P\X would rather sell at a loss to someone who would actually enjoy it.
  19. My XKR has auto lights, when the amount of light drops the lights come on, and we're not talking night time only, if its overcast they come on. No need to be linked to wipers, just a simple LDR circuit.
  20. when I've been dazzled by front fogs I do the same as BBK I put my full beams on. but I don't drive down the middle of the road. the clue is in the name of the light...FOG...if it isn't foggy, then TURN THE MOTHER FUDGERS OFF!!!! it gets worse when the nights draw in, as more people think they need them on. it boils my pi$$
  21. police should be allowed to pull you over and smash said fog lights if you use them inappropriately. personally I'd prefer to see police snipers on the bridges taking out the offending drivers with a high velocity rifle
  22. We went there on our honeymoon back in 2008 we stayed on bandos http://bandosmaldives.co.uk/ We had one of their beach Jacuzzi villas, was amazing.
  23. I need a new game, not sure if I should get forza, or bf?
  24. Unity looks good, saw the trailer last night
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