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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. sell the tyres and buy ones that fit properly.
  2. i use a magnetic jobby, it sticks to the dash, and makes adding and removing the phone a doddle, and as its only stuck on it will come off later.
  3. i like the use of spoiler links makes the page far more readable
  4. have you asked riceys permission to convert to otterisms?
  5. sliced bread; husky invented that, the light bulb; that was husky too. internet porn; that was huskies idea first. masturbation; where do you think the term beating the dog comes from; that's right; husky. sharing things on the internet; apparently only husky is allowed to do it, and if you do it first he must be referenced into the post as the creator and interweb god. ill amend the op.
  6. an jag will rust in a sealed vat of preserving oil. its mission goal in life is to rust.
  7. yes because you started the original post of course. oh no hangon you shared it from someone else. get over it you did not create the interweb. but yes you do spend a lot of time on it.
  8. not seen those wheels before, I like them, as for the car, sad state, but its only an 8. will clean up nicely for someone. other great advantage of a jag in Dubai, it will have no rust what so ever.
  9. hexis do a range of tinting films and I think a kit to apply with as well can check for you if you like. I did get some samples as I looked at supplying it. but never got round to it. I watched the guy do my jag. it is an art, but a lot is down to technique. they cut and shaped the film externally on the window first. used liquid to get rid of bubbles, and heated the film with a heat gun to shape the film on curves. I would say if you can wrap you'll pick up the tinting skill quiet quickly.
  10. my guess would be leaking exhaust or cats not up to temp. if it is a carbon build up get the car taken to a terraclean vendor. works wonders on old cars.
  11. I'm guessing it will be re instated at a later date. I got all excited about trying a new app. and I couldn't.
  12. my phone guided me to use tappatalk on my android phone as it said the forum is compatible. but for some reason it doesn't seem to want to connect. are there others using tappatalk2 as well, any issues? it does say to contact admin if fail to connect.
  13. i think the car is the jaguar prototype with the turbine engine.
  14. most cars the rear end is very tough, compared to the front which is a crump zone. i would expect the TT looks worse at the front than your rear.
  15. i would always reccomend having a range of sources for reference. the more you read the more you know.
  16. even with all the extra play time i had with you guys on here, i'm still finding my feet. i think the biggest advantage would be for mobile views. i must admit though as i don't mobile view the forum much it would be for others to say if its slow to load or not.
  17. something i saw recently at huskies was on the Celica GT4 forum, basically photos are put in, and when you want to look at them you click on the revel button and they become visible. the advantage is for those using mobile viewing means can load up pages quicker as no photos to load. and it also means when reading through or people quoting posts you don;t have to stream through hundreds of photos to get to the next post. thought the idea might speed up page loading, and reduce bandwidth. not sure if its possible on this software, but it looked a very useful tool.
  18. ok 2nd time on a dark video i got worms
  19. it just rewinds the video on mine?
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