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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. rtbiscuit

    BMW Stuff

    i'm up in york in a couple of weeks i might try and pop in to say hi
  2. i wonder as i'm new if yuo could give me some info on tyres and what a pop charger is. also can these cars be tuned up much. i've searched but can;t find much
  3. stick up a pic of the belt, may just be the belt connector hasd got twiste don the strap.
  4. looks really good, especially after i finally worked out how to sign in instead of just being a guest
  5. i wouldn't be worried about the MOT, i'd be more concerned with an insurance company voiding your policy on a crash and you having to stump up the cash as the insurer won;t pay anything. most Decats are marketed as off road use only. and if they are and they are fitted to a car they aren't technically legal. and an insurer if the car is examined which they aften are could choose to void your policy, same as having undeclared mods.
  6. was discussed on the XKEC from memory and eventually ruled out. stick with normal coolant, the jag engine is tempermental as are most of its systems, also doesn;t like silicone brake fluid either. zed might be alright on it. jag has to run OAT fluid
  7. its where all the cool kids hang out
  8. i'd go hfc's, mot regs are being tightened, which also means so are the VOSA. also decats aren't road legal so technically your insurance is void as well.
  9. you'd be shocked at whats in fashion at the moment, alot of my male students are back into knit wear, and its the kind of jumpers my nan used to knit for me and i was never that sure on. think sinatra at christmas infront of the tree stylee i am suprising down with the kids, being i work with them every day, they keep me upto date with most stuff.
  10. yeah i noticed i've lost my badges of honour, couple of others still have theres though
  11. sorry i write how i speak, what you get on the forum is the same as if i was down the pub with you. sadly typed sarcasm and humour or personality never come across on a forum. to me this looks bad but thats cos i'm not down with the kids. drifiting is what you do on a track by accident if you over cook a corner. as to me sliding is slower. and stretched tyres are what you do when you've bought the wrong sized wheels for your car or can;t afford proper fitting tyres. and cars with tons of camber look like the suspensions broken. but all this does not make me right; just out of touch. i'm just an old school traditionalist with a flat cap and a wippet, might even start sewing my own elbow pads on my tweed jackets.
  12. rtbiscuit


    nowt wrong with a luxo barge ;-)
  13. rtbiscuit


    http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/5174-tyre-guide-post-your-tyre-review-here/ have a browse through that thread; pretty much answers all questions you have asked or are about to ask. short version of it is: for ultimate grip for the car r888's are the daddy but its a track tyre and only come sin 40 profile so next best step is michelin pilot sports preferabbly the PS2 but the new PSS are very good. or something like the bridgestone re050a's or goodyear eagle f1 assymetrics. but the down side is they are at the costly end of the scale. so if you don;t want to sink a grand into tyres the aim is to get the best grip and performance/value for money. at this point it gets down to personal preferences and everyone seems to have their own ideas but general consensus is: falken 452's toyo t1r's vredestein ultrac sessantas kuhmo ku31 these are what are deemed as the minimal tyre point, anything under this price bracket is deemed ditchfinder hedge missile. bear in mind the falken toyo and vreds are all being phased out and replaced. so the short answer is anything as cheap as a toyo up to something like the michelin PSS and anything in between.
  14. i voted nay, there is about 3 threads and about 5 people who track their cars on a regualr basis. works just fine in the offtopic area
  15. is this a zed related motorsport area, or an all encompassing anything goes motorsport board area?
  16. i think the stretched tyre is the way of the r-tard. but if needs must and you have to ruin the car, i think you are looking at about a 1" difference in wheel widths; between the old wheel and the new wheel. you'd need to go check a r-tard website to check what is do able with a tyre. I think it would probably work but it will change the rolling radius of the tyre so will put your speedo out, and may affect TCS.
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