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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i have no idea as its not been done before. as a guide those rocker covers are about £100 a piece. but they are easier to dip as the plastic is alot smoother and requires less prep work. I'd need to speak to my painter and see what the best method would be. as the original plenum is rough cast i need to work out if its a case of having to sand back the whole thing before painting. or if its possibly to use a levelling compound to build the item up. i have to take into account where the item is being used and the heat in the engine, as i don;t want it to crack etc. this is a possiblity if the paint is very thick. i.e. with a levelling compound. and lots of heat.
  2. Its not really a new product for the 350Z forum, but thought i'd share with you my own little treat for my XKR. its so shiney and carbon will post up the full engine work mid week next week when its all finished. If someone is interested in doing a plenum i could look into this and see what we can do.
  3. if it competed on price with the other 7" tablets coming out i could understand, its more portable, more for use on the move, and more suitable for people who think 10" is too big for a tablet to use on the move and want more mobility. but at £429 no thanks
  4. Chill out dude I'm alright really
  5. are we sticking these tires on new rims; have you checked the spare under the hood, careful with new tires that you don;t get into a fender bender. hate american terms slipping into UK culture
  6. air con works like a de humidifier, it takes the moisture out of the air, which speeds up the clearing process. so aircon set to hot and aimed at the window clears in seconds, comapred to just hot air which takes longer.
  7. he's like the tin man, if he had a brain he'd be dangerous
  8. i use rainex on the outside, not tried the interior stuff. with regards to the seals, get some good silicone wax and rub it into all the seals around the doors. it should plump them up and help them seal. also helps keep the rubber in good condition. for reference i use super lube. comes in a small yellow pot, and can be got off ebay for a couple of quid.
  9. there was a guy on a VW forum who cut his whole wheel off due to a broken bolt. tool muppety exsists. i teach RM in a school. i have seen a kid try and glue 2 pieces of wood together with Cif surface cleaner. I swear people should have a licence to own tools. I've seen house electrics where people have gone through a wire with a 9 inch nail to hold it down, which also happened to be touching a copper pipe. I've seen earth pipes for toilets DIY plummed in with the slope going in the wrong direction and the owner wondering why the toilet was backing up lol. I think some of those are trolls, but the welding the diff up; if it was true, that bloke should not be allowed near a welder.
  10. if there is a seconadry switch to control TCS other than the one under the steering wheel then it means someone has fitted a breaker switch to interpupt the signal to the box behind the centre console which has the effect of completely diabling TCS compared to the normal switch which only partial turns off TCS. but ABS is still functional.
  11. not that bothered about the zed, they're 10 a penny on this site lol. i want more on the RX7 i frickin love them. never had one, always wanted one.
  12. i think i might have to watch this after work lol
  13. wasn't silly money from memory can pm you details if that helps
  14. so i was right about the servicing then
  15. buy a dacia its cheap as chips, but the customer service is crap, and by the time you've repaired it 100 times they'll have had the shirt off your back and you old mans watch. and called you ***** at the same time. i think they call it service with a slap.
  16. never say please and meant to always say thankyou, but i sometimes forget.
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