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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. thanks jay, lets just hope it fits lol. not tested it yet, should be fine. and hopefully it all pulls together with everything else.
  2. could be I work in counter intelligence...or maybe not.. who knows
  3. my computer has/had a BIOS issue, i managed to eventually find the bios update, but i'm not 100% sure its right. so i chickened out of doing it. and just put up with the odd crash and restart. but since 8 has gone on it seems far more stable than before.
  4. I'm the same, but down south where i am we don;t seem to get hit as bad as the rest of the country. I've been able to get into work, when colleagues from the same area in FWD apparently haven't
  5. no i klnow what you mean, it becomes a case of having 3 sets of wheels and somewhere dry to swap them over. those winter tyres you have will make a big difference even if it snows you'll be a lot better off than anyone on summer tyres.
  6. well done for stepping out on your own; it can be a big decision. good luck and i hope it goes well
  7. what? you didn't have one already? i didn;t realise! lol glad you found one at last, looks very tidy
  8. some on here had aplay around with nankang winter tyres and the consensus seemed to be even bad winter tyres are better than good summer tyres when the weather gets bad. but to be honest your looking at 2 weeks of the year. for the uk most of the winter is cold and wet. so you want a tyre for cold and wet, but then a third set for 2 weeks which are snow optimised. thats the problem in the UK they only do half the job, they grit most of the roads but not all of them, which means you can;t really run snow socks as you'll be putting them on and taking them off all the time. they should do the same as the scandinavians. have a cut off date. and then everyone swaps to their winter tyres. and they don't grit the roads, but just snow plow them when needed. would save the country millions in grit each year
  9. cangrats mate. have you worked out your yearly post average yet?
  10. well for 25 quid it turned my not so original copy of win7 into a very original win8 which no longer seems to blue screen on me. i had a very original win vista but the computer was having issues, so a friend gave me the win 7 which was alot better. but glad to be back to original again.
  11. He's already in secret negotioations over new parts Why am I not surprised Was in secret talks
  12. That's my priority along with a new hood and exhaust, which are the only parts that really let it down. Longlife built me my exhaust, very happy and half the price of milltek, if you can get to hayward and scott in essex they do some good jag stuff, especially for older cars. think you can even mailordr an new system from them Won't that make it slower?????? Depends if you're making the driving pulley or the driven pulley bigger I guess. Had to draw it on a scrap of paper but i think he's right Changing the lower pulley from a 6" to a 7" http://www.powerhouseautomotive.co.uk/content/jaguar-performance-upgrades.html not this one but one like it, but all the info is in there.
  13. how is it feckwits seem to walk away unharmed from horrific crashes, yet nice people die in other crashes.
  14. if its a clean car, which it should be if its been out there, get it cheked and then get it painted and undersealed under there and waxoiled. probably looking at the best part of £150 for the pork, but it should mean the car will be rust proof then.
  15. i like the layout, i like the new media centre, it seems to run smoother as well
  16. What's slimy cold long and smells like pork Kermit the frogs finger
  17. there are good aftermarket places, but lots of people see the word jaguar and double the price. take milltek exhaust for instance, they do a great system for the jaguar, sounds fantastic, but the cat back is £1200 and the high flow cats are £1400 so for cats and cat back on the jag would be the best part of £2700. compare that to zed parts from milltek and you can more than half it. with regards to those carbs, are there any other people who manufacture them? there mus be a range of suppliers?
  18. If I had a rooster and you had a donkey and your donkey ate my rooster. What would you have? 2 ft. of my c0ck in your ass.
  19. On a cold, cold night two bulls are standing in a field. One says "Boy it's mighty cold out here!", the other says "Yes, I think I might slip into a nice Jersey".
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