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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. it will be nissans answer to toyota and subarus latest joint effort. i'd be interested to see what the next carnation of the GTR will be and especially what its power plant will be, the only way nissan would keep a V6 in the new zed is if it was a diesel.
  2. some great stuff in there, its a shame i only have 30 min, lots of these are more to do with good driving practice, but some stuff will come up in conversation. i might run more courses for the 6th form if there is interest and maybe focus on driving practice etc. this is just a very short intro if you like.I've allowed for questions at the end as i think most will have some.
  3. you could also adjust them without taking the arch out. you could reach an adjust from the top of the light. but that may have just been the pre facelift.
  4. good point. you can take it off when its hot, but be prepared to drink a face full of hot coolant
  5. the self levellers only keep the beam pointing to a specific point. they drop over time for some reason on the zed, so occasionally need them adjusting back to normal. but to be fair the lights even when right are pretty crap on the zed as standard. the later bixenons were better, but compared to other cars they aren;t the best.
  6. already included in my talk about that section, just mentally stored not written down. was going to expalin that although 1.6 is the legal limit, doesn;t mean you should actually wait till you hit it.
  7. obselete already, needs touch screen tech
  8. BASIC TOOLS YOU SHOULD HAVE IN YOUR CAR · Tyre pressure gauge · Tread depth gauge · Air pump SAFETY · High viz Jacket · Warning triangle · First aid kit BASIC CHECKS Tyre pressure – check manual for correct level, check when the tyres are cold, use your own gauge, reading vary from garage to garage. (Should be weekly check but fortnightly is ok) [Don’t forget the spare] Tread depth – legal limit is 1.6mm; readings should be taken across the width of the tyre, not just one spot. Uneven wear is an early indicator of suspension issues or bad inflation of tyre. (Should be a monthly check, but every 3-6 months is ok) Oil Level – check manual for correct grade and viscosity of oil for top ups. Engine should be cold when checking the level. Lift out and clean dipstick before checking. You may need 2 or 3 checks. Level should be between the min and max line. Preferably near the max than the min. don’t overfill. (Should be a weekly check but fortnightly is ok) Coolant level – check manual for correct type of coolant; if in doubt just use water. Coolant should be a 50/50 water/coolant mix. Check level is between min and max. top up if the level is low; don’t overfill. If it looks like mayonnaise in or around the filler seek professional advice. ( should be checked monthly but every 3-6 months is ok) Washer Fluid – not really possible to check but you should keep it topped up. Ready mixed is the easiest but you can mix your own. Read label for instructions as dilution changes depending on the time of the year. i.e. heavy concentration for winter. Wiper blades – if its smearing change them; sounds silly but visibility is everything. Better visibility, better braking distances, and quicker response time, less likely to have an accident. I would also recommend something like rainx treatment for the windscreen. MR THOMPSONS TOP TIPS · Tyres are the only thing connecting you to the road; they are expensive, but it’s an item you shouldn’t be cheap on. Don’t have to go top of the range, but avoid cheap tyres and part worns. They can make all the difference in an emergency especially in the wet. · Visibility is everything; being able to see well especially in poor weather is very important. Use hydrophobic treatments on the windscreen replace worn wipers and keep the car clean could make all the difference in an emergency especially in poor visibility weather or night driving. · Don’t run a fuel tank to empty; you don’t have to run it to empty, maybe refill when it gets to half way. Fuel pumps don’t like to be exposed. And you don’t want to suck sediment through the injectors. And if your fuel gauge is not accurate you might run out before you think you would. · If you’re not sure of something seek professional advice, most good garages/mechanics will give advice without charging. And use recommended mechanics. There are some dodgy mechanics out there. And a trustworthy mechanic is very valuable. · If there is a Haynes manual for your car its worth getting. You may not be able to do all the big jobs, but you’d be surprised how easy a lot of the small jobs like changing bulbs etc are.
  9. these will come up as i go through the session.; can;t make the hand out too long or it stops being useful. already at a page and a half
  10. i like that forgot about those, bulbs i'll possibly leave for now but dash symbols is good idea
  11. if i had more time i would do a wheel change, i'll see how i go, its a basic maintanence, so FWD and RWD don't really come into it. but if the questions asked i will answer it.
  12. i wouldn't say the new jag styling is old man styling at all.
  13. i'm running a course for some of the a level students on the topic of maintaining your first car. its a one off 40 min thing for a group of 20 boys and girls. i'm in the midst of writing a little supporting hand out and i was adding some top tips at the bottom, i have a few, but wondered if any of you lot had any gems of wisdom for my students. I can post up what i've written so far if you want a read. but basically in the session i'm going to cover, this is whats in the hand out. Tyre pressure Tread depth oil level coolant level washer fluid and wiper blades at the same time i'll explain some of the basics of an engine, things to look out for and reasons for doing things. tempted to add checking and topping up battery fluid.
  14. as long as it doesn't involve babyoil and a banana then its all good
  15. a jag Van, now that sounds interesting; maybe we should ask jag to consider it.
  16. Had the XFS 3.0V6. Fairly quick, crap in bends, nice quality on the inside, great luxury place to sit, nice smooth ride, painted by blind apes, and accelerates only mildly faster than it depreciates. Wondered when you'd give the real life perspective to things I vote we ban all Jag owners from the forum what that include van owners as well?
  17. does look good. colour is such a personal thing. i'd be tempted to say swap the zed and leon, will the zed get much use once you swap over?
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