never been a fezza fan, admire the styling and the heritage, but not my kind of lady. i find the engine sounds to high pitched. they tune them to rev so high it alters the noise. i know it sounds funny, but i had a chance to listen to a whole range of super cars at topgear one year with tiff, and the ones that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up were the lambos v10, the sypker V8 (audi V8) maserati V8, and the koinegsegg v12.
all the others sound great but certain engines got my juices flowing. sadly none were any of the ferrari's. its a bit like the GTR gaurenteed they are going to be better than a whole heap of cars i like, but neither the GTR or the fezzas do it for me. i'd happily go out in them, have mates take for a test drive, and respect the car. but for me only certain cars have the whole package, looks, presenence and noise. and thats what makes a great car.