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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. like most women they learn early how to lie to make men feel better. E.g. Yes of course that's the biggest one I've ever seen. Only 6" are you sure its not 12" That's the best sex I've ever had Etc etc etc
  2. Sell it. Take some nice photos before hand. And you can add it to your car history with pride. Also why buy another zed. Why not try something else? I never go back to a previous car. Its like getting back with an ex girlfriend. Never as good as you remember it. Find a new lady.
  3. Compelling argument for proportional representation. First past the post isn't always the best setup.
  4. Thought it just came in different colours. Both are very strong. It won't come off. But you could countersunk some small pop rivets or self tapping screws in for extra hold. Generally what ever material you bond to will break before the tigerseal or sixaflex let go.
  5. rtbiscuit

    Tyre question

    Another convert to the brotherhood
  6. The likelihood is in a few years time I might get a track toy once o stop paying nursery fees
  7. Yeah I think I know what you mean mate its never going to be the jag, but things like yesterday, all our deliveries arrived at the office. Downside is my deptment is other end of the building. Lots of boxes. So drove the Volvo round filled the entire boot and drove it back. Sounds silly but I found it tremendously satisfying. Today owes able to take the kids to their first day at nursery. Couldn't do it in the jag. So previously my wife used to do most of the kids driving. I'm loving that I can do my own thing with the kids now.
  8. got the 2.4 D5 SE LUX EXEC, basically got all the gizmos, plus TV's in headrest for the kids. Even has phone and my favourite toy is a minidisk player. Which is awesome as I still use MD and didn't know till after I bought it. Have to say even the sound system is pretty good.the surround function on it great. Music sounds like its in the middle of the car
  9. Actually really enjoying it, but for completely different reasons.
  10. came across this when finding the jag replacement. Cars look legit, with trader profile web address link etc, but a message at the end of add saying don't contact the company but use this email. Then if you look on the trader site you can't find the car. Always high spec cars way under price. Old rule of thumb, if it looks to good it probably is. I also get annoyed with the lease adds you have to miss the first search page as its full of crape before you get to the actual car adds. I didn't even use auto trader to sell this time as they wanted nearly £40 for 2 weeks advertising. Piston heads was £11, as was ebay, but they both lasted for 4 weeks
  11. Did a qualifier in a lhd 370z with no pre practice and didn't find it anywhere near as difficult as o thought I would. Given a couple of days in one and not a couple of hours I think it would be like second nature. As Octet said no different to driving abroad.
  12. Others have split and painted the headlight internals. Most have had issues resealing fully to avoid leaks.
  13. I have just collected an XC90 today already does double the MPG of my jag
  14. Yeah, I'm not a trader on here anymore as my twins eat all my time up. Still have stuff left over from the business and happy to help members out. Had loads of sets made up. But don't need them anymore. Just pm me and I'll sort it out with you.
  15. I have the steering control labels on special transfer film (like airfix kit transfers) had them specially made when I used to hydrodip controls. You can lacquer over them once you apply them. Got loads of sets left.
  16. I found with my bad knee and ankle the 350 was the hardest car to H+T in. Even with the modified pedals. I found the brake pedal height was poor. Had no issues in the mr2, S2000 both brilliant cars and gearboxes for heel and toe. Even the gti6 was easier to heel and toe. I gave up in the end on the zed it wasn't worth rupturing the cartilage in my leg trying.
  17. Possibly. Will find out tomorrow
  18. Our last Tennant worked in my workplace. Was not impressed when they moved out. As they left the place in a right state, broken kit, furniture had to be thown out, new appliances needed. Redecorated as well. Don't rent to people you know. I found it hard to make sure it didn't follow into the workplace.
  19. I do get the feeling they're trying to treat us like Americans, by instilling fear into the populous they are far easier to control.
  20. Jolt may just have knocked it enough to lock it. If the seals were on the way out you'd never have known when changing the pads.
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