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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. shouldn't be too bad to replace. not an expensive part form memory either.
  2. i had one pinned to my rear late one night in the yorkshire countryside down a single carriageway. i was doing the speed limit + 10% and i swear he was trying to see what was in my boot. I did the right thing pulled slightly too one side and slowed down over the following 4 miles. went from 60 right down to 20, but he still didn't over take. then finally as he pulled out, i wacked it in sport mod and hit the loud pedal righ tback up to the speed limit if he hadn't have flashed me from behind i would not have played. but when i do play it is always up to the legal limit. after that if they want to break the law thats their choice.
  3. oh god the ebay posting has started again
  4. the exide one i was looking at was 100 ah and 900 cca, but settled on the bosch due to its warranty (exide only came with a 4 year warranty) and reliability and build quality
  5. looks good mate, does it come with free ear defenders?
  6. get some to play around with, sounds silly but make a card mock up of the corner of the bumper with a carard sticking off, cut and mount them into the card, and run it off a battery. take it out and place it near the bumper at night and it will give you an idea of looks, light dispersion etc, and what peopel can and can';t see at that angle. if its hidden it might work. but i think the placement asthetically is out. would need to see a pic of the car with canards on.
  7. i'd leave the run flats alone lots of people who have cars with runflats, the first thing they do is take them off and put decent tyres on.
  8. its what the zed was designed for, its a GT cruiser, comfort for long distance with the power to overtake with ease. its not a ferrari so mileage won;t affect the resale. and some people if driving sensible can easily see 30 mpg. some as high as 35 mpg. but thats granny driving. i see 25 mpg at the moment from my V8 so the zed should be a lot better.
  9. you'll find the michelin tyres are very popular on here, the PS2's from memory are being phased out, and lots are swapping to the pilot super sports.
  10. its getting more common down south as well. and actually a few of the independants have said they can get the same price as the online places. and then charge less for fitting if they supplied them
  11. yes but apple BT is not full fat BT connectivity for things like OBD dongles and sharing via BT from memory.
  12. heard good stuff about their products, when the dodo runs down its on my too try list
  13. my jag battery is 12 years old, and on its way out fast, its finally struggling with cold cranking now the weather has changed. i did some research into buying this week and i ended up going for a bosch s5 battery. as it comes with a 5 year warranty. i nearly got the exide, as it had a higher CCA and AH but from doing my reading exides rep seems to have slipped. and several places warn off using them. how true this is i don;t know. but the clincher was checking on the jag forum lots reccomend the Varta silvertop battery, which turns out to be made by bosch. i need a fair amount of battery grunt compared to the zed so my new battery which should arrive this week from an online supplier was £105, has 850 CCA and 100AH CCA = cold cranking amps (how much grunt it has to turn over (the higher the better)) AH = amp hours (how long the battery lasts (the higher the better))
  14. i have digimoto 5 at home somewhere, its not free, but i'm lacking the laptop to connect it up to at the moment. but the software can be "found" online
  15. thats it the post whore thread, i think thats where alot of my 18,000 posts are lol
  16. paint finishes suffer the same abuse. i've seen the paint go funny on a few, like greekmans. but thats becuase he's heavy on the brakes. if they are clear coat sealed, theortically the oxygen has to acces to the surface which should stop the discolouration under heat. exhausts aren't polished they are stainless, and depending on what grade of stainless depends on how they react with the heat. but most with a bit of autosol polish up fine when dirty. plus they aren't sealed, and th emetal is thinner, so far easier for the heat to penetrate.
  17. did you get a set of 2 or 4, and how much are they? a link to a place to buy?
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