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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i went and voted by drawing a penis on my ballet slip. i think the lady thought i was in a long thought process, but i was actually trying to get the hairs righ ton the sack.
  2. WOW, i shouldn;t but i will, heres me biting Evo's are cheap, have you seen the price of zeds? its not like they are bank breakers crappy cars with little engines and lots of lag. seem to be able to tune the crap out of them for not alot of cash I don't like the way they sound either. stock zed exhaust is pretty non plus Plus most owners I have met are boy racers. have you seen some of the owners on here? zed sounds like an exotic (better then 99% of cars on the road), really? it goes like the clappers really? performance is on par with most hot hatches these days unless your boosted of course is great for long distances as well as track work. yes great GT car, but for track work it actually needs a bit of work to sort its weight problem out. Evo's just doesn't compete as a GT car. thats becuase they aren;t a GT car Skylines and Supra's are much better built cars compared to Evo's and Scoobs, build quality is about on par as is the quality of plastics The zed is an amazing car for the money and with forced induction can be even better!! - I would even say is a 911 competitor!! subjective An Evo will always just be a compromised piece of turd for wannabe rally drivers. the zeds just a compromised piece of turd for wannabe porsche/ferrari/lambo etc etc drivers thats one hell of a sweeping statement and carries about as much weight as what i just said in reply. i'd say on track a scooby or evo is a far more competant drive.
  3. our voting slip has the right day of the week but the wrong date on it.
  4. pointless activity thats costing us for creating pointless posts. the police should be left to manage themselves. same as teaching, we get told what to do by politicians who A. have never taught a day in their lives, B. haven't been in a school since they were a student, and C. probably never experienced comprehensive education. yet they seem to know the best way to improve everything.....not. now if the minister for education came from a teaching background i'd be alot more inclined to take them seriously. Oh and i get OFSTED'd by people who either haven;'t taught for many years and are out of the loop so to say. or even people who have never taught. apparently anyone can train to be an ofsted inspector. a 2 day course and you too can be telling teachers they're wrong.
  5. i use the milage app on my phone every fill up. have tracked every fill up on the last 3 cars. may sound sad, but its helped me notice that my engine had started to run rich as the car was drinking more thsn usual and my mpg had dropped by 6 overall. quick obd check and i had a hidden code for dodgy lamda sensor. should be going in for replacement on friday. also good for monitoring new mods to see if they make a difference. for instance my new hfcs and exhaust saw an improvemrnt in mpg
  6. i would love a private plate, only want my initals, seen some cheaper ones which have 3 digits before the initials RJT but i really want just a 2 digit, pre initals. i did find F11 RJT and the 11 are natuarlly closer than any other 2 digits so it almost looks like 1 letter. but its £700 odd quid and i can think of other things i'd rather spend my cash on. i'd really love RJT 1 (single digit of any kind) but your looking at into the thousands for that. for me it has to mean something to me, and something i can keep and transfer onto what ever i buy in the future. no point buying car specific if you sell your cars often, just seems a waste of cash. although speak to ricey i think he sepnt a small fortune putting plates on retention when he keeps swapping every 6 months lol
  7. been that price on ebay all the time, for £130 you can have the C130 which does 630l an hour. compared to the c120 which is 520 litres per hour. if you have a snow foam lance the higher the pressure the better for maximum foam-idge.
  8. when was the last time you reset the mileometer. i rest mine after every fill up. if you do that you should get the average MPG per tank. if you never reset it. then its reading the average since you last reset. which could be months or years. and the longer you leave to reset. the harder it is to get the average up. if you want the 90 odd mpg, then wait till your cruising down a hill at about 55 mph, then reset it. and watch the super high number for all of a few minutes.
  9. ignore my last post, it was a delayed reply, and you put an answer already good job on the work
  10. you telling me the increase in an insurance premium after an accident would be more than the 2.5k you've just spent?
  11. we still have a few ballers on this forum
  12. i keep the filters on all the time, as the sacrificial lamb. so the real lense doesn;t get fubar'd
  13. nope i'd be sat there thinking, lol i saved a shed load of cash, and everyone still thinks i payed top dollar. somethings i buy branded others i don;t, but i don;t feel hollow inside if i didn;t
  14. i just use an old HDD in a conversion box and every now and then back up the RTCustomZ folder to the HDD. but then my turnover and customer base is very tiny in comparison. if storing customer details are you meant to do anything special? i have copies of all the reciepts i've written on the computer so i can track sales etc.
  15. replica spoilers don't always sit right wither over the boot, from memory the originals did not have a gap between the tips and the boot, where others are much larger gaps. once they are painted and on from the exterior its nigh on impossible to tell if its a good replica. give aways are big panel gaps misalignment, and thin panels. most people won't pay more for a nismp kitted zed over a replica kitted zed. on a monatary value its bog all. for most kitted is kitted. what will be the deciders is the quality of finish. and the quality of the car.
  16. thats down to the ability of the person who painted it.
  17. check what the Db level is for mallory, but the K1 will defo need its bungs in to pass the noise level checks. go at your own pace and watch out for idiots. might also be worth sorting out some trackday insurance. incase the worst happens.
  18. Really or not it makes very little difference to the price. Usually just helps speed up a sale as its a more interesting car. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  19. All ways fancied one, but i'd have a load of spare cash after. but i'd probably get one of these maserati gran turismo
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