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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. how many litres in the VXR8? 07-08 cars are 6.0l LS2 08-09 cars are 6.2l LS3 that will explain the slightly worse MPG compared to the 5 litre XK
  2. how many litres in the VXR8?
  3. heres that thread http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/64847-if-you-had-35000-to-spend-on-a-car-what-would-you-choose/page__st__100
  4. not a problem, always happy to set your nerves at ease :wink:
  5. Supercharged http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201245491778209/sort/pricedesc/usedcars/price-to/35000/model/xk/make/jaguar/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/page/1/postcode/ip52hr/radius/1500/quicksearch/true?logcode=p its combined figures actually quiet good at 33mpg or non supercharged http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201245491650118/sort/pricedesc/usedcars/price-to/35000/model/xk/make/jaguar/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ip52hr/quicksearch/true/page/1/radius/1500?logcode=p combined is 35 mpg. these were just off the first page of highest price first, there were alot more for alot less, but it depends on how older you want to go. lot of car for the cash, and reliabilty is pretty good on these. more so than the aston or maserati
  6. Well I was trying to stay sensible as I need it as a daily driver - doing 24k a year. But I guess I failed .. on a serious note if you look at the jag XK range, and stay away from the R and go for a standard XK (no supercharger) its actually about right for what you want re motorway petrol consumption etc. plus lots of comfort for doing the miles in. lots of kit. and plenty of style. and a V8 too boot.
  7. were you wearing your bullet proof cup?
  8. theres a thread on here that was very recent all about what you'd buy with £35k have a browse through that as it covers most interesting ideas. I'd be looking for out of warranty style cars, alot more bang for your buck. DB9, Vantage, maserati grandsports/grandturismos, TVR's, porsches, jaguar XKRs
  9. my policy with them runs out next year, and from seeing others renewals i may well be going else where as well. shame as i've been with them for the last 6 years. always shop around, after their first crap offer, give them my best offer and then they usually match it.
  10. i thought i saw the white 370 with the volks twice, but that might just have been me clicking on the link twice after someone else poste don it. but i'm sure it was like that as i was voting.
  11. have noticed some of the pics appear several times over different months. is this meant to happen? what if someones pic gets picked twice? not nit picking as there are lots of cracking photos on there. and this looks to be one of the best calendars for this club yet.
  12. i used to sell the Apexi filter, best filter out there for filtration as well as good performance. not easy to get hold of in the UK.
  13. it was on the old forum format, quickest way would be to pm M13KYF
  14. put up a video of the noise it makes, will make life alot easier for us to diagnose. maybe a thinner oil might improve the speed at which the pressure is activated in the tensioners. are their any mods in the engine bay? i know some have had carbon airboxes that fit badly, and the lid rattled against the bonnet.
  15. speak to mike for offical club merchandise
  16. as long as you run the same tyre across the axle then thats perfectly acceptable. in a perfect world you'd run the same tyre all round.
  17. its not about maximising your speed on the road, its designed to slow you down, its meant to be a punishment becuase you broke the law. he's not there to tell you how to make the best traffic light grandprix start.
  18. My guess would be that No police women actually look like that .... well not when they are working shame probably a good thing, i';d deliberatly speed just to get stopped by ladies like that,
  19. bring me back some crispy cremes pleeeeeeeeeeeeease
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