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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. he'll be out there now checking the rears with a torch
  2. i can see you like your cars to be perfect in every way, so it would be really upsetting if i told you while looking at your photos recently i could tell that the rear quaters been resprayed showing that its previously been in an accident.
  3. just dial using the phone; problem bypassed. why bust a ball when there is an easy solution. may well be your phone.
  4. i took mine out and used it as a clay pigeon
  5. to be fair music plays a big part in my life too; i hate silence. my hands are also a big part of my life (no dirty thougths please) being a very practicla person, i'd be lost without my hands.
  6. lots of parts are sold as off road use. most decats are for off road use. my guess is its not TUV approved, but then thats not uncommon for chinese copies.
  7. my vital organs; its pretty hard to live at all with out them
  8. that will most likely be a chinese copy of a branded system.if its a copy then its had all the R&D done on it already by the original manufacturer
  9. looks a nice system, sadly can;t comment on quality as not seen before. i would say have a look at tarmac sportz website, they seem to have the widest selection for the 370Z. if your serious about that exhaust i'd want to know what quality stainless they used it seems its T304 which is good, i'd be tempted to go for something with 321 or 347, but thats not common. the only other issue is going to be fit. if its a good fit your laughing, if its a poor fit, then your exhaust fitter is going to have his work cut out.
  10. i would have said £200 they need a refurb
  11. what does it say about me with a V8 at 30 then? i've been in sports cars since i was 25, i always said i've been in permanent crisis since i turned 20.
  12. air con clean might fix your issues, there are a variety on ebay, but basicsally its a aerasol that you let off like a bomb in the car, with the windows shut and aircon on full. it sucks it all up. kills the bacteria, and gets rid of the smell.
  13. no worries mate, it threw me slightly as i was going through and choosing, i was like...i swear i've seen that before lol. pics look good. best of luck with the entry
  14. hence the XK :wink: they are pretty solid and cope with the miles well, and although its premium, it won't nose dive if driven heavily as much as the aston/maserati
  15. you might want to check your running costs on that in comparison to other choices.
  16. your right stew, but if it was me i wouldnt have the space for 3 cars at our house, as my wife takes the other parking space. sometimes you have to combine into one, and change on a regular basis
  17. i bet this is what really happened when stew and his mates were out cruising the states
  18. lol, when he was on his computer to check your records did he do this
  19. you've put the effort in, i'd leave it green for now.
  20. Have you seen how many ladies have bought and joined here recently
  21. i'd take the new shape TT, nicer interior
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