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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. tappatalk is the current weapon of choice
  2. has your wife got i-rate yet? mine gets it all the time
  3. the impacts made me whince, does make you realise that over a certain speed; regardless of what you drive, how vunderable you still are.
  4. should also have said it goes well with a drink. it really suits a flaming molotov cocktail
  5. comes with calor gas heaters as well, apparently goes well when you put your foot on the gas?
  6. would he be done for being french? i'm sure thats a crime somewhere?
  7. My wife loves the apple products; and i have to agree they do look good, but i've not bonded with the software, i'm too institutionalised with windows. its not that windows is better, i'm just too lazy to undo 20 years of windows doctrination.
  8. give it time to dry out, 24 hours or a couple of days, you'd be suprised how they spring abck into life
  9. i'd reccomend the fly eyes kit, its the only stuff thats MOT legal
  10. If there isn't much water in the box i wouldnt be too worried. my guess is the rear pipes were covered. blocking the exit, choked the engine and thats why it conked out. if it was a low mounted filter and the filter element was wet or sodden then i'd be worried. if in your case the filter was pretty dry (i'm guessing) it won;t have hydro lock. water has to get in from the intake side. and i doubt that you did.
  11. they all look to be suicidal drivers out there. some of that stuff is scary how easy some things just burst in to flames.
  12. if we were going on the original time frame i think he was meant to join me on the 3 peaks challenge, and that was back in may lol. shame its moved so slowly, glad i didn;t plan anything round him yet.
  13. I dont know if its the colour but it looks like its wearing a leotard It could be the automotive support for these guys i think i like it, but really need to see it in the flesh. are yoi going to the canary warf meet? look forward to seeing it then
  14. as long as its a good fully synth, what has been said above is all good
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