I'm looking at setting up surround soud to compliment my TV as we watch a lot of movies, was planning to pick up a cheap 2nd hand AV reciever off ebay, looked at and bid on a few, but as i'm still learning i've bottled as i've got closer. each time my budget seems to be going up. I have found that audio HiFi language seems to be a world of its own and its taking me a lot of time to learn all the lingo. but i have slowly worked out what i want out of a unit. i started off just looking at old units going for £20-£50. but i now know that i want.
- HDMI connection, so no need for lots of audio cables, but one that feeds the TV signal back to the reciever.
- 5.1 or 7.1 but not to fussy
- full HD audio, as i play blue rays i want a system that can unlock the full audio potential
- proper speaker connectors not just bare wire clips.
next question
as my budget seems to keep going up, should i just buy a low end new unit, or hold out for a 2nd hand higher market unit.
next question
who is seen to be the best for sound; i've been looking at Sony's mainly as i have a bravia TV and they do the bravia sync, but also looked at pioneer and yamaha. just because they are brands that i know or have used, and have a good rep.
ones i'm toying with from new were
Sony STRDH820
pioneer vsx527
Yamaha YHT196 (i think its possibly going to be under powered)
Yamaha RXV373
Yamaha RXV473/ or 573 or 673 (but getting way out of my price range)
was bidding on some 2nd hand sony strdh800's but it went for £150 in the end for a 3 year old unit and you can get the newer 820 for £200 off richer sounds.
any input would be greatly appreciated.