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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. spoilt ballots whould have a bigger impact if everyone was made to vote, and all those that didn;t usually vote due to apathy then went and spoilt their ballots. it would send a big message that the voting public have no confidence in the government. i'd rather see someone spoil a ballot than not vote at all. people lost lives so that we can vote i think its a slap in the face to them all if you sit at home and go meh! put it this way at the last election i think only 22% of the voting public actually voted. of that % only 35% voted for the ruling party. so theortically we have a party in power voted in by only 8% of the voting public, that too me is not a party that represents the people. and this is not anti tory as its been this way for years. the oaustralian vote is compulsory, why the hell isn;t ours?
  2. actually if your going to do the push back method; leave the window open so you can reach in after and pull the handbrake. personally if your just going to leave it you need to turn the engine over every couple of weeks just to get the fluids flowing. coats and protects the engine etc. i'd also want to jack it up so not to get flat spots. personally seems a lot of effort for a nissan (no offence) but their designed to survive the elements by all means car cover it and charge the battery, but personally i'd be driving it. there is probably only 2 weeks in the year where there is enough snow or ice that you wouldn't want to drive. the rest of the time your missing out on some great driving.
  3. i could get my zed in a single by going in at an angle and off to one side, with carpet on the wall could just squeeze my ample frame out the door. if you think the zed is wide, i tried putting the XKR in, can only open the door 2 inches, never going to be able to get out. if your worried about the car give it a good clean, get a car cover and cover it up. I personally would just drive it. and park up if there is really bad snow.
  4. matt wraps aren't for me sorry, makes it look like a toy car, appreciate the hard work and time gone into it and the quality of finish is excellent. wasn;'t a fan of the orange wrap jay had so your not on your own. if it had been a metallic pearlesant turquoise then i think it would have finished off the look well.
  5. Most likely mig, and on my phone it actually looks like an arc welder. Tig is more for things like aluminium. As mig tends to just burn holes in it. Or for stainless as mig welds would rust out due to the feeding in metal. Think of it a bit like soldering, just higher temps and different bonding materials. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  6. lol, they finish thursday evening at 6pm, it may not be a go any ways as it looks like they are going up and out of my budget
  7. Asking a huge favour here guys, there are some speakers on eBay that i'm looking at bidding on but he won't arrange a courier and he's based in/near/around Wigan. I am sadly down in suffolk. Driving all the way up there would make it uneconomical to buy them. but if someone was willing to pop in and collect for me, and then get a courier to take them from there would be doing me a huge favour. Would obviously cover courier costs, and happy to do some free vinyl cutting for that person if they want it. if its not possible don;t worry, and its not gaurenteed as i haven't won the item yet, but i don't want to bid till i have a pickerup-perer
  8. The zed clubs very own bad boy yardy!

  9. i used a membrane, then laid a plastic grid and filled with gravel like this means the gravel doesn;t move around much, the car doens;t sink, and its semi permeable so no need for planning permission. we did it as we knew in our area they block applications for hard standing area. so it had to be semi permeable. can;t jack on it, but works great for washing the car on as water just soaks away. no issues in the ice and snow. and it was pretty cheap to buy, and i laid it myself.
  10. quick question, when buying speakers do you have to get the same ohm rating. for example an amp with 8ohms per channel, does it require speakers rated to 8 ohms per channel. or could you run speakers that were 6ohms on an 8 ohm per channel amp. i'm guessing running 8ohm speakers on a 6ohm per channel amp wouldn't be great as the amp would be under powered.
  11. my jag didn't on both the pre cat H02 sensors, but both had codes stored on the ECU when read. no light no nothing, only noticed as i track my fuel mpg on an app.
  12. i find cruise control a huge help, it takes the effort out of maintaining a camera safe speed
  13. engine flush is a last resort, i wouldn't be running that stuff if at all possible. can often do more harm than good.
  14. no it wouldn't, but you might find its stored a code on the ECU, first thing i'd do is get a code reader on it. not all issues flash a CEL light on.
  15. Been reading alot of what hi fi reviews, they seem very good. also popped into hughes on my way home today which was very interesting, they had a range of amps and setups. but what suprised me most was the sound that they got out of these tiny little kef speakers. it was the £400 set down from the eggs. but very good and crisp.
  16. i really want to try out the yamaha rx v-673. it was a what hi-fi 2012 winner for its budget, and at about £400 its not a horrific price. and it would leave me pretty future proof for a long time.
  17. to be honest the budget is as little as possible. hence why i'm looking on ebay for 2nd hand AV units. thought is to pick up an older unit for say half the price. but if i think i have to i may well spend on a new amp and then build up the speakers slowly.
  18. there is a hugh's electrical near me and they always been good with TV stuff, so planning on my first trip to go and see them.
  19. Thanks Graham, i have seen it before, but i kind of want the challenge and fun of researching and doing it myself instead of having someone else do it all for me.
  20. i'm just going to play movies and the sat tv through it, also the xbox and blueray. i don;t expect it to be an audio renasance, but just want more punch and involvement than the stock TV speakers (which are very good) and a bit more sound than a generic 5.1 setup. but the room is small limited space due to furniture, and a wife that will kill me if i recreate led zepplins concert setup.
  21. cheers guys, speaker wise i'm looking at a set of mission speakers also been browsing kef and gale. i want some nice floorstanding ones, but we don;t have the space, so i told lucy i'd get smaller ones, i think she thinks were getting little satellite ones, but i've seen a nice set of bookshelf speakers. by mission. :grin: Ok so i might not panic on getting the ultimate Amp, but concentrate on the speakers, but aim to get the functionality i want. have heard of denon and onkyo, just seem mentally stuck on sony as it would match in with the TV. but i'm moving away from this.
  22. I'm looking at setting up surround soud to compliment my TV as we watch a lot of movies, was planning to pick up a cheap 2nd hand AV reciever off ebay, looked at and bid on a few, but as i'm still learning i've bottled as i've got closer. each time my budget seems to be going up. I have found that audio HiFi language seems to be a world of its own and its taking me a lot of time to learn all the lingo. but i have slowly worked out what i want out of a unit. i started off just looking at old units going for £20-£50. but i now know that i want. - HDMI connection, so no need for lots of audio cables, but one that feeds the TV signal back to the reciever. - 5.1 or 7.1 but not to fussy - full HD audio, as i play blue rays i want a system that can unlock the full audio potential - proper speaker connectors not just bare wire clips. next question as my budget seems to keep going up, should i just buy a low end new unit, or hold out for a 2nd hand higher market unit. next question who is seen to be the best for sound; i've been looking at Sony's mainly as i have a bravia TV and they do the bravia sync, but also looked at pioneer and yamaha. just because they are brands that i know or have used, and have a good rep. ones i'm toying with from new were SONY STRDHH520 Sony STRDH820 pioneer vsx527 Yamaha YHT196 (i think its possibly going to be under powered) Yamaha RXV373 Yamaha RXV473/ or 573 or 673 (but getting way out of my price range) was bidding on some 2nd hand sony strdh800's but it went for £150 in the end for a 3 year old unit and you can get the newer 820 for £200 off richer sounds. any input would be greatly appreciated.
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