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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. hey i thought you said you were black???
  2. if any one asks what it means, just tell them its becuase your hung like a horse
  3. good to know where your humour lies; suprised you didn;t buy a merc
  4. having never met you its difficult to know where the boundaries are; didn;t want to jump in to a joke; the kind i'd have with a mte, only to really offend someone. skin colour and race is always a risky area for controversial humour on a forum. and gaurenteed if any one was to offend someone, it would probably be me.
  5. my mate uses teufel stuff, sound is very good. i see them more as a speaker type company than an AVR type company. will be looking at them in the future if i choose to upgrade speakers.
  6. i'm not good at all this racialist stuff, i just see a person, not the colour of their skin
  7. well TC is definently a bit mental, can;t speak for BBK as i've not met him, but he did send me this picture of himself cleaning his car
  8. he's also a frickin mental case
  9. and don't rule the ugly ones out
  10. i'm sorry thats not fair is mail order better?
  11. they are the nissan mud flaps and splash guards. some also have the nismo side skirts which excentuate that area or the extreme for arch extensions is the likes of failside.
  12. Again, he's not fussy What if she is? She could be a let down a bit....or re inflated
  13. does she have to come with or without an air release valve? quick fill Co2 canister or blow up manually?
  14. looks like fun, question though; where are the brakes?
  15. park it to close to calaise and the illegals might try and travel down it.
  16. i have a single 20 mm eihbach spacer in my loft if thats any use.
  17. yamaha is where i would put my cash if i had more to spend. the RX V673 looks very impressive. has all the latest kit and looks like good figures and it was what hifi's winner this year.
  18. could i suggest meet organisers pm a mobile number out to all prospective attendees and in case of emergencies people can text it? not everyone; especially new memebers have met people before or are likely to have peoples contact details. or instant access to a PC or wifi enabled phone. but surely most people could manage a text these days in an emergency. just need to make sure people have this info thats all.
  19. i always thought a blueray player was a blueray player if you bought from a good manufacturer. i never touch unknown brands with electricals. have seen teh quality and issues others have had.
  20. playboy logo to me says its a girls car. at school its the logo all the girls have on their pencil cases. and yes i find that slightly disturbing. i've asked a few if they know what it means but most just say "its a cool bunny logo"
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