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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i always go on the principal that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. because at the end of the day you don;t get something for nothing. yes its very cliche but its true. scams tend to scam those that are greedy. its why it works. if people weren;t greedy they wouldn't invest.
  2. i got another sodding PPI call today, started with "i'm not trying to sell you anything" but have you ever taken out PP.......... i hung up
  3. nope never fallen for a ponzi scheme. i don't invest in anything. as i don;t have anything to invest with
  4. yeah and stop sticking them steroids up your arsehole lol if he;s an ipswich lad i'd love to meet him sometime, he looks like he would be a laugh over a pint. good sense of humour. does he teach in suffolk now or has he moved else where? the makro in the background looks like the ipswich one?
  5. speak to husky i think he has one forsale already fitted into a y pipe for an instant fit
  6. better not give dblock a lift as he seems to leak on peoples cars, dread to think what he'd be like in one.
  7. could also be that its cold
  8. the cars are set to meet legislation for different countries, so the settings are changed depending on which domestic market it is being supplied to. this could be adjustments for emissions, amoungst many other things.
  9. remaps are good, but you'll nev er get massive numbers its more about improving the overall feel of the car. but only 3 places in the UK are able to remap the ECU on the zed as it needs uprev software. that is abbey, horsham, and RStuning.
  10. if you want a remap the closest to you are abbey motorsport and horsham development. but i'm not sure you'll book in on such short notice. but they would fit your kit for you as well. give them a ring and see what they say.
  11. closest custom place to romford is Hayward and Scott stainless steel exhausts. they will build you a fantastic system, but you'd need to ring them for a price and if they are free this weekend which i doubt as they are very busy. you might be more likely to get a generic system delivered and try and find an exhaust fitter locally to do it. but i'd book in with one now. generic places would charge about £30 an hour fitting, should take no more than 2 hours. but you'll need to order one for delivery tomorrow at the latest to give ther supplier enough time to get it to you for friday. ready for fitting sat.
  12. are you hoping to have it fitted this saturday? you might have left it a bit late, to book in for a custom build, or maybe even just a fitter.
  13. i know i'll get flogged for this on here, but my XKR has been great, its an ongoing restoration, it was cheap to buy, its comfortable with more creature comforts you can shake a stick at. looks great. and not too old, and plenty of power. down side its luxo barge, but i don;t alwyas think thats a negative
  14. what classics do you like? how old do you want to go? if i was in your position i'd go for something mental, or completely impractical. or even a kit car. if you don't rely on it then a TVR would be a good shout. if you want to restore something then old jaguars are nice like the E type kit cars like a westfield are great fun drives seems to be at the moment the bigger the engine the cheaper it is.
  15. only those running major BHP as they need the extra traction because of the torque.
  16. most people use road tyres as track tyres, very few invest in proper track rubber unless they are a regular track attendee, or feel they need to grab every last 100th of a second. to be honest unless you're actually racing i think track rubber is a waste of money, going quickly round a track is more about knowing the track and the best way to drive it than it is about the tech. so many people decide they want to go faster on a track day, so they ramp up the power, stick all the latest kit on it. try and build a race car. when they could have made a huge improvement to their time just spending several hours with a good instructor who knows that track. prime example is topgear episode when clarkson raced the german lady in a transit. they both drove the same vehicle, same tyres same everything. and the difference in finish times was huge. if you wanted to add some track tyres it would be the R888's and i think about 4 people on here use them.
  17. Yeah, those Pandas are raking it in really well what do you expect when they dress like a burglar, and wear a mask
  18. Nice Stook, i had one before the XKR it was one of my favourite cars. still miss it.
  19. i'm alot more sparing with my love; if you get a like from me then it was either a bloody good post, or it made me laugh. and as i'm a miserable barsteward they are like rocking horse poop from me.
  20. but a top 5 poll just becomes a popularity contest, and not neccessarily advocates the best tyre, just the ones with the most users. and i know this last comment might get flamed, but alot of people on here don;t actually know how to drive properly anyway, and what they put across as in informed opinion is wrong from the offset. alot think they know; but they actually don;t.
  21. I wonder if its your diff, with the extra power is it not being delivered evenly to the rear axle. hence the uneven stability?
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