political correctness
the health and safety facists (i'm all for safety but its got to a point these days where its creating jobs for arseholes) we lived just fine with out bubblewrapping ourselves up. theres nothing wrong with an accident as long as its not fatal; reminds you your still human.
I'll give you a prime example. In my workplace if i want to get something up high i'm not allowed to use the ladder as i haven't had the ladder training. but i can stand on a chair, or table or even stack the too ontop of each other and get it. but if i have had the training i'm not allowed to stand on a chair to reach stuff? go figure?
what ever happended for taking responsibility for your own stupidity? they seem to be idiot proofing the world; but how will darwins theory of evolution work if the studpid people can;t wipe themselves out and remove their genetic material from the evolutionary gene pool, if someone has bubble wrapped the guard on a bench saw?