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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. rtbiscuit

    Roof wrap

    No worries, just drop me a line when your ready. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  2. i keep looking at buying a microsoft surface tablet, but the reviews are so mixed. difficult to remove the fan boys from the equation and get fact from fiction. I know it has its weakness but for what i want it for i think it will be fine. that and i like the windows setup and it will link it with my desktop and xbox. ho hum
  3. real world driving would put both across the line at about the same time think the 313 would maybe have half a cars length. but the 313 is a better smoother drive with a bettet box; interior and feel. the older ones are more raw.
  4. older car is lighter and has more torque
  5. I used to teach at that school Lived just round the corner went to the primary down the road in Broomfield and the to Chelmer Valley for my sins..... Not sure you taught me Rich as I left in 1985 i was there between 2005 and 2008 if you left in 85 that must make you 43 if i am correct as i left school in 93
  6. rtbiscuit

    Roof wrap

    happy to supply you what ever you want even tools for wrapping http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/47404-rtcustomz-diy-vinyl-wrapping-roofs-price-list/
  7. do we need to send you a relief package with stuff from the UK you can;t get over there. like marmite, jellied eels, cadbury's, jacobs crakers?
  8. political correctness the health and safety facists (i'm all for safety but its got to a point these days where its creating jobs for arseholes) we lived just fine with out bubblewrapping ourselves up. theres nothing wrong with an accident as long as its not fatal; reminds you your still human. I'll give you a prime example. In my workplace if i want to get something up high i'm not allowed to use the ladder as i haven't had the ladder training. but i can stand on a chair, or table or even stack the too ontop of each other and get it. but if i have had the training i'm not allowed to stand on a chair to reach stuff? go figure? what ever happended for taking responsibility for your own stupidity? they seem to be idiot proofing the world; but how will darwins theory of evolution work if the studpid people can;t wipe themselves out and remove their genetic material from the evolutionary gene pool, if someone has bubble wrapped the guard on a bench saw?
  9. This and nothing more budget starts at 20k and goes up from there :wink:
  10. but this is why i installed the K+N typhoon box and modified it to fit properly and then modified it to take the Apexi filter. the metal box was hidden just showing a lovely Carbon lid, was my favourite carbon airbox; well until i got my new one for the XKR which is an enclosed complete carbon box.
  11. the biscuit tin's too baller for the likes of Ian ;-)
  12. buy pre 2001 and your laughing, regardless of engine size the road tax is only £220 as for a TVR hows this for 9.5k http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201241488032112/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/10000/model/cerbera/make/tvr/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/postcode/ip52hr/radius/1500/page/1/quicksearch/true?logcode=p or a BMW for 9.5k http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201234482616874/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/10000/model/8_series/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/page/3/radius/1500/postcode/ip52hr?logcode=p
  13. i reckon if i could have half a day with an ARC air box i could do the drawings for it. in my workshop i've got metal shears and giloutines as well as a sheet metal bender. but it would be easier to get the fabricator to do most of the work.
  14. husky had one made up in a workshop. its a very simple design. if someone had one i'm sure i could get one manufactured up with ease.
  15. doesn;t mean the price will come down though basically they have one guy making them by hand using magic dragon claws and pixie wings.he can only make 3 a year so they sell them for lots of cash becuase of this. what makes me laugh is that the case only costs about £20 to make and the filter probably another £20, but the markup is huge.
  16. welcome to high end japanese tuning houses, especially when they go bust.
  17. i just watched the video; you sold it to me, am going to drop 20k on it right now.....am i fook
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