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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. nismos are nice but for the kind of money they go for even second hand there is a world of other exhausts out there that sound just as good if not better. i'd be looking straight at the tannabe hyper medallion to start with, some of the ARK stuff is good as well. Invidia have some great systems. at the lower end the likes of cobra are very good VFM. but what ever you do dont put crap speed on it. stay away from the K1 yes its loud but its unrefined and not in a good way. buddy club offer a far better option. be warned on the nismo exhausts that there have been quiet a few occurances of the flixi joints needing replacing, as they have warn out, split and come apart. although it seems more common on lower cars where due to the nismo design the flexi can catch on things like speedbumps etc. personally i think the nismo is over priced for what it is. but then thats just me, and people buy it for the badge.
  2. thats quiet a clever and inexpensive way by the sounds of it. might have to look into one of those
  3. the ones for young drivers are slightly different, they monitor driving behaviour and are becoming more popular becuase they offer greater savings over policy's without. a few of my 6th formers have them, and it knows if they are speeding, how much they drive at night, how much they drive etc, and it helps them analysis the insurance for next year. so if they are good its alot less and if they are a liability it goes up. it also mean sif they have an accident the inusrance company have a better idea of whos at fault etc. give it a few more years and cameras in the front will be alot more common.
  4. its actually extremely had to damamge an engine from driving. espcially as a few trips from a crim wouldn't do it. any engine damage would be from carless owner.
  5. full nismo kit ncluding front bumper, rear spats and side skirts have also had 4 tyres in as well but not at the same time of course.
  6. i have a laptop case, so big i could live in it
  7. nice vid, have you treated yourself to one of those motion mounts that tracks the camera over a half metre distance. looks really good.
  8. i suppose on the canary warf pictures i put up i should have put the before and after pics in, as i photoshopped all mine. i just played with the contrast, brightness and colour saturation.
  9. i have on my phone i think, or it might be upstairs. but that is pretty crap parking in his defence that is a long wheelbase van, if you park it in one space it would block the drive section of the carpark. so its a dammed if you do and dammed if you don;t kind of vehicle to park. i've done it a few times, but usually i stay with the vehicle while someone else jumps out and runs in to get something. and if it looks like i need to move then i'll go do some circuits of the carpark.
  10. rtbiscuit


    my favourite part fo that picture is the sticker
  11. I find the best cure is to go run around their table screaming like an annoying child. they get the message pretty quickly
  12. well someones put what i would say already. but it does work and works well
  13. amazon are about £50 more expensive than direct from microsoft. have looked at other alternatives, but they are all even more expensive. the Dell 10 is about £620, the pro versions when they come out in jan will be twice as much as the surface RT. lenovo and other ones start at about £800. becuase they are all basically laptops.
  14. Order online you have more choice and good prices. I got mine online. Go for something like a Bosch battery like their s5 silverline. I just changed my jag one. Worth it if the winter is as bad as they think Bosch ones come with a 5 year warranty. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  15. Something could have punctured the rad or torn the bottom of the rad. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  16. Only place you seem to be able to buy from is direct from Microsoft or amazon. No shop sells them. Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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