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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. because we're driving on xmas day I'm hoping the roads will be pretty clear ad most people will be at home.
  2. talking of Christmas spirit... i'm drinking rum already
  3. I think graham has slipped in the bath tub again, had doogy on speed dial who then sent humpy round to fish him out of the tub. its good when we have such a great network of people that help each other out.
  4. time for an update, well I've got my mate in to rums as well, and between the 2 of us we've gone and bought a few to try over the last few months. I still keep buying SJ's but as its got close to Christmas, there has been some special offers and some big reductions on the old rum. so the first one I bought last night was mount gay eclipse, I thought it was about time I gave this a try as many have raved about it, and some see it as the daddy of rums. http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/galleries/2009/moneymag/0904/gallery.money100_spirits.moneymag/images/mount_gay.jpg wasn't sure what to expect but was very pleased with the purchase. its very different from SJ in the way that its spiced differently, this has definite over tones of liquorice. you can smell it from the bottle and taste it in the glass. I didn't mind it neat, its smooth on the pallet and you do get the hit of liquorice. SJ but its a different rum, I would say the mount gay is a better drink neat, but I prefer the SJ for its vanilla. now when I brought this round to my mates last night he too had gone and bought a bottle, but he had bought this http://www.proof66.com/images/hires/201105260741104dde3c564d41d.jpg chairman's reserve rum, now this was a bit of a shock surprise for me, when I sniffed the bottle it was quiet a strong spirit smell, so I was expecting quiet a harsh drink. but it really surprised me on the taste. it was really smooth and sweet. now I thought the mount gay was smooth, but this as a whole new level of smooth. I didn't try it mixed as I only tried it neat, but I must say this was a proper full on sipping rum, I would be quiet happy with this all on its own over ice. I didn't try masses of it as I was playing with the mount gay. but I think this was better than the mount gay s a straight drinker. now it doesn't have the smell from the bottle that SJ has, but the taste as a neat drink blows SJ out of the water. the only down side to this is its a lot more expensive. and I think that's the thing that makes SJ so good, is VFM. now I liked my mates bottle so much that when I was at waitrose today I came across this on special http://www.vodkaemporium.com/images/chairmans_reserve_spiced.jpg its the chairman's reserve, but the special spiced version, now I've just tried it neat, and its very drinkable, but I think the normal version is smoother this one has been difficult to place the flavour, it still has the sweet taste to it, but it has an added almost Christmas flavour to it. I think its cinnamon that coming through and maybe something a bit zesty as well. but it works well with the ginger beer. I think this makes a better mixer than the normal version, but the spice version works well in both forms. I think the chairman has nicked my new top spot. its a better drink than the SJ but sadly more expensive as well. SJ is still my favourite smell and VFM drink, but I think if i'm treating myself it would be the chairman.
  5. so possible awards for this ear could be biggest forum troll biggest post whore (I think glrnet has one this year as he's been whoring it up big style; he'd post about a fart if he thought it would boost his post count) most comical post most dull post most informative thread starter (have to say I think this has keysers build thread as top winner already) biggest forum w4nker best noob have run out of ideas
  6. Christmas day cross country to Essex boxing day cross country in Suffolk to my inlaws. both nice drives, only down side is the firsthalf of the drive to my parents is on the a12
  7. I got the pioneer avic f500 in my cubby just depends on how you fit it
  8. nothing says I like sausage more; than a bloke in ugg boots
  9. rtbiscuit


    you'd be surprised what just leaving it might do.
  10. did you have a good time in the middle east?
  11. I have met BBK he's a really nice guy! he's just as random in really life s well as on here.
  12. you can clean the sensor in the MAF with carb cleaner, just a case of spraying it. but don;t touch it.
  13. like darren says if you spin it lights up like a xmas tree, normally happens if you roll back once you've spun. just the cars way of telling you that you fecked up but like you say ignition off and bobs your uncle
  14. what if i send you dome pads for free? will that get me off the list?
  15. we're not at home for xmas so seems like a waste of effort and wood. we do have lights up, and he stairs have been covered in LEDs
  16. its a great bit of kit and works well as an additional piece of the jigsaw for maximising your returns when it comes to a remap. Abbey seem to like them as they buy them as well. as do a few other places. its never going to be a magic bullet that suddenyl produces 100BHP form no where (we all know the car is notoriuosly had to squeeze anything extra out of NA without a remap). Flyboy produces and sells these they are a supurb piece of kit, the fit and finish is excellent, the instructions are a doddle to follow. they make an improvement on the the stock car and if you have a pre 2006 this should be on your shopping list to fit to your car. and at £36 you can't really go wrong.
  17. PMSL its your age graham, they do special pads you can wear for that :wink:
  18. i'm sure i keep posting this up and no one reads it, abbey did test it. there wasn;t a massive difference in BHP figures they stay pretty nominal to stock but what it did seem to do was smooth out the throttle response. and the car was appranently more responsive.
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