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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Can they re write the constitution? Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  2. I always usr them. Saves swearing at bolts. Although I didn't know the name for that style of connection Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
  3. they could start by making it illegal to carry a weapon, and make them an at home item only.
  4. jsguar XKR I was goingto say similar to dblock to be honest. maybe monaro, vx220, elise,
  5. no I don't need a gun. that's the great thing about where I live, crime is pretty low. and gun crime is non existent. and on e of the reasons the British police have tried to keep away from arming every cop. is it keeps down the need for every crim to tool up as well.
  6. rtbiscuit

    BMW M3

    no I agree completely BMW make the best diesel engines bar non. their geo setups and chassis engineers are some of the best. the m3 and the m5 are possibly some of the best drivers cars. but for me I struggle to be a 'me too' person. its the lack sheer perfection that gives the jags their character; I do find some of the german stuff a bit soulless. if I wanted something I could drive daily and track on a regular basis i'd get the bmw if I only did the occasional track day i'd get the xfr. the audi rs4 is worth a look, but they look just like every other audi. you could go cheaper and look at the Vauxhall range and play with the vxr another cracking car. buti struggle with the badge, even though I know its a great aussie car.
  7. rtbiscuit

    BMW M3

    but there are a lot less xFs compared to 3 series and 5 series BMW's they have become the new mondeo. it used to be the sales rep wagon of choice, but they've all upgraded to bmw's. the jag badge is not as common. just look at German car sales figures they out sell any uk producer 10 to 1.
  8. rtbiscuit

    BMW M3

    sadly not, but as an alternative to the usual german crowd itsa good competitor. it my not be as perfect as the M5, but then it also doesn't look like every other 5 series.
  9. see I wouldn't buy a gun for protection, i'd buy one for going down a shooting range or hunting. if I want to protect my home that's what 2 heavy ends of a pool cue are for. I wouldn't want to kill an intruder, I'd just want to make sure they're still here when the cops turn up. that and I wouldn't want to face manslaughter charges.
  10. rtbiscuit

    BMW M3

    I'd take an XFR over an M3 now, M3 is great, but iprefer the styling on the XFR
  11. They shot so many of their own, they changed the name from friendly fire to "blue on blue" to try and ditract frok the point that they can't tell the difference between a friend and a foe. :facepalm: not only that their aircraft bombed Canadian troops with a big Canadian flag. and a mate of mine was telling me they opened fire on a Chinook. how many bloody Taliban do you know that have a Chinook.
  12. my mates who've served out in the far east all say the yanks are a liability with guns. they shoot first ask question later. if they hear a noise, they all start shooting and then ask; what we shooting at. was always told to let the yanks go first. apparently they shoot more of their own troops than the enemy.
  13. its a proper f'd up situation out there
  14. chris that sounds awesome, wish I lived near the whiskey exchange, I buy from them a lot. I started on a mixing level, but slowly moving towards sipping rums.
  15. my advice would be go book yourself on an airfield day. you can freely explore what you and the car can and can't do and where the limits are with out the risk of spanking the car
  16. might be worth just sticking a bucket under the leak
  17. try sky, and Adrian flux there's another one but cant remember name think its lancaster
  18. do you have the coat, cap and shirt to go with them?
  19. sounds like its all about the timing, same with the 350's and the fault code reding procedure.
  20. if its the hinge area then an old tooth brush, water and washing up liquid, dry and then a spray of WD40. if its the lock. same method. if you have bonnet dampers then wipe and spry with some WD40
  21. great opportunity to mod the car and get a new style rear.
  22. you'd think it would be enough for them to look at some gun law changes. but I have a feeling that unless the presidents daughter is gunned down that will never happen
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