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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Asian bad boys make me laugh csn you adopt them?
  2. Whats the difference between Mexican jokes and black jokes. once you've heard huan! You've heard jamal :wink:
  3. never looked at it that way. suppose it just as bad as the sandman
  4. y wife's Jewish and I'm pretty up to date with lots of Jewish jokes but I don't get it. I wanted to get it; but I don't and as for your post whoring its very noticeable when someone jumps the best part of 2000 posts in 2 months
  5. I don't get it? I think you should maybe make this your last post whoring joke post :wink:
  6. vsrta's quality has apparently dropped. when looking at batteries, never found snything bad on bosch but varts had mixed reviews. my bosch has a 5 year warranty
  7. Chelmsford 123 is very good. ssaid above. what about the young ones and bottom?
  8. i can recommend the bosch battery
  9. there is only one monopoly I know of and that's the royal mail. but there are plenty of cartels hat fix pricing, for instance the oil barons
  10. Lexus are an expensive Toyota (produced in Japan) and apparently they are prestigious and they are also dime a dozen, well they are over here, so you can artificially raise the price. I don't get what this has to do with the price of coffee. yes its an upmarket Toyota, better parts, better materials etc, but then you pay more for it. but there common because they are popular, and they are cheap in comparison to german and brit rivals as that was the aim, I wouldn't say lexus is anything special and why they aren't worth much 2nd hand. but as I said above whats that got to do with this thread
  11. Sticking with the XKR as its what i know. there are tell tales that the price will go up. for instsnce partsare usually easy to get and cheap generally. as lots of cars in the breakers yard, but recently certain parts have started to goup in price as they re becoming harder to get. and tnis is the same with new parts as well. other great thing is they rust to buggery, so they are being scrapped quickly as lots are at a point where they have been bought cheaply and not maintained. people are starting to hold onto them and aim to keep them in good nick. I'm so confident that the prices will go up over the next 5-10 years that I'm planning on keeping it for a while and invest cash into the car bringing to back up to standard.
  12. Thanks guys, just got back in from a great night out with my wife and friends. have eaten way too much. right time for bed
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