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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. learn something new every day, I knew about the dots but I didn't know about the lines.
  2. bt website said we'd have it dec 31st........2011. 2 of the exhanges have been done at either end of the main road, but not theone we're on.
  3. so they give all the broadband speed to one person while i'm stuck on feck all
  4. thanks BM, you made your announcement on here yet?
  5. I like to visit London, but I couldn't live there. its too crowded. I can be on a dual carriageway and doing 70 in 5 min from leaving my house. being stuck at 30 everywhere with cameras on every corner is not my idea of fun.
  6. tip of the iceberg. they could have done a programme on furries
  7. for 13k you can get 2 350z's. if it was me i'd save another 2k and get the 370z. they've ironed out a lot of the weaknesses from the 350, it handles better, thesyncro gear box is better, the interior is better. the engine is better, it has more power, and it already has a lot of mods available. just go browse tarmac sportz.
  8. I watched it in 2d and enjoyed it. I can't stand 3d
  9. my tablet doesn't support flash, so videos don't show up in a thread. so I didn't see someone else post it. so in response ..... DILLIGAF
  10. i'm surprised no one has noticed her new song that girl has issues
  11. I have very little sympathy for any of the parties involved. for the Knightsbridge old guard; get over it. yes there are people with more money than them, and yes they are Arabs. and for the guys from the gulf. if you drive like a tit, expect to get pulled just like the rest of us mortals. did enjoy the nice metal though. but with so much in one place it almost makes them common. bit like Cheshire lol
  12. if you were round the Suffolk wayi would have given it some serious thought
  13. I just put my foot down, or if I really need the power I press the sport button first, and kick down sorts everything else out for me.
  14. worst courtesy car was a fiesta, best was a top spec alfa 157. as for that fiesta I had it for 3 months, and I ragged it to within an inch of its life. even managed to get all 4 wheels off the tarmac at the same time off a humpback bridge
  15. love the F type. and the coupe which will be 12months behind the vert I just as good looking. its basically a restyled v8 s2000. and I would love one. as for competing with the XK's I wouldn't be surprised if its reaching the end of its manufascturing life. its been in production since 1995 one of the longest running production cars ever.
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