i attended a guest lecture at uni from the chief designer of thrust SSC back in the day, was fascinating. he had his own photo collection with him that he used for the talk. and how they overcame issues that arised during testing. as things change dramatically once past the speed of sound.
+1 worst review evar!
some bits are accurate, others a bit out.
have to remember for the average buyer, especially those not car orientated badges mean alot. to those that know their cars badges mean something else.
i kept mine 18 months which was about on par for me. have to say it was my least favourite car i've owned to date. the XKR is the first car i've got to 2 years and not even looked else where. usually i get to 12 months and start looking, by 18 its gone.
not the zeds fault i just realised what was missing in my life and that was a V8.
i find sexy school girl stuff a little bit disturbing.
as a working teacher anything sexy about school uniforms disappeard along time ago.
does it not freak others out that it encourages perving over little girls?
are some of you lot the kind that sit in their cars outside the school gates chatting up the girls becuase you drive a car?
i personally would have done it outside. but only becuase i know the arse ache i'd have got off my OCD wife if i hadn't. easier to reomve the branches with a big set of loppers. then cut the trunk up.
saying that before taking a ceiling down in a bathroom the only thing i did was put the loo seat down; and the plugs in the plug holes. wife went ape when she pointed out all the toothbrushes, and other stuff still out on the side and by the sink. which were now covered in plaster dust