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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i don;t tend to suffer from guilt; so i think mine are all just pleasures
  2. as far as i'm aware yes
  3. ekonas only 4 ft tall, hobbits make the best dance partners for him and a bit tetchy about his height; i've told him lots of times not to sweat the small things in life. but he's had small jokes up to here.
  4. My usual Process, which may or maynot help the novice insurance shopper Step 1 - Recieve renewal - swear a few times then leave on desk. step 2 - log on to go compare; pull up quote from last year, change things like the date etc resubmit step 3 - same as step 2 but this time on comparethemarket.com step 4 - same as step 2 and 3 but this time on gocompare.com step 5 - find the lowest possible quote from all 3 websites, step 6 - ring up original insurer mention new price; get them to match it, and sometimes they even drop by another £40 as well. tell them i'll think about it. step 7 - go direct to company that gave lowest quote tell them the renewal price see if they will beat or match, if not go back to step 6 step 8 - take this new figure which should be roughly the lowest quote available at this point. then ring round the independents. as a guide line i would suggest the following. Sky Insurance Prestige keep moving Insurance A plan Adrian Flux Chris Knott step 9 - decide on best policy. in most cases this might be the cheapest. but not always. you may need to take into consideration, like for like cover of mods, agreed value cover, and other addons like RSA and courtesy car etc. step 10 - ring chosen company to confirm new policy step 11 - if it is a new insurer remember to cancel old policy, especially if its set up on a direct debit. step 12 - relax for the next 11 months.
  5. Even though Ekona thought his magic handbag made him invisible, he still hid behind pillars before jumping out to scare old ladies.
  6. rtbiscuit

    Hydro Dipping

    need to send me a pic with some measurements on and i can work from there. nows a godd time as i'm about to sort out a batch of stuff at the moment, including some new parts as well as some old favourites.
  7. rtbiscuit

    Hydro Dipping

    because can;t gaurentee a speed at which they will be done i tend to supply on a swap basis, i.e i have the parts ge them dipped then sell them and customers send their old parts back to me. it means people aren;t with parts of their car missing, and i can get stuff produced in my own time frames, and not pressured from out side. as for your side skirts, my rocker covers are about £100 each for dipping so skirts arent; going to be cheap to do, i can pm you a rough idea later if you like.
  8. rtbiscuit

    Hydro Dipping

    The largest that i can get dipped is about car bonnet sized
  9. rtbiscuit

    Hydro Dipping

    its what i currently supply if you have a look at rtcustomz on facebook you'll see all the work there, in one place, its oall on here as well, but i'd need to string together lots of threads. issue with the centre console is that it needs a lot of prep before dipping, as you are spraying it. so dimpled surface or not it needs lots of prep. as for wrapping it the thick carbon like hexis ( i also supply covers the dimples well due to the texture. so no prep work needs doing, but if you use a plain colour like black, the dimples show through as the vinyl is thinner.
  10. is that your garden? who just leaves cars to rot? is this the site of a welsh mafia shooting? is it the Viet-Taff Killing fields?
  11. so this would be your new shed car I like your thinking. A nice cheap runner that you don;t mind taking the carpark dings. nice proker by the way :wink:
  12. And stop writing in italics too, you! Do you even know you're doing it? I've seen a few of your posts like that now, and you know how my OCD is...! its my new tablet, i'm still getting to grips with touch screen. look how long its taken me to master a normal keyboard and i still forget to put capitals at the start of a sentence
  13. 4th place, not bad. worringly BBK's just behind me; i think he's making a charge from the rear!
  14. they haven't shut yet and the vouchers are still valid. there is still chance for a buyout. and as they have stock they will continue to trade. once they know there will be no buyout and if no one takes the stock etc. then its a case of selling off the stock to pay the creditors. and possibly a comet style sale. but seeing how the comet store near me got pillaged once the sales started by people who seemed to know before anyone else. i don;t hold out much luck for the jessops sale.
  15. Will try too when I'm next using it.
  16. I never found it that bad, have you lot got no hand eye co-ordination?
  17. I think There were 2 on here over the last few years and from memory both blew up. I believe the zed engine doesn't like lpg as much as some v8s do.
  18. we are good just for the forum alone
  19. a high powered RWD car is far easier to spin out even just pulling away from standstill than the equivilant FWD. FWD is far safer ina corner if you go in too fast as understeer is easier to correct than oversteer. they want you to gain experience in RWD before going for more power. it makes sense to me. and to put it in context i've seen the difference. a few years back i did the nissan free race challenge. got through to the qulaifiers. and there were a mix of drivers both amatuer, novice and pro. all from different car backgrounds. and the funniest to watch were the guys who had only ever driven FWD cars. the qualifiying car was a race specc'd nissan 370z. and chatting with some of the guys before going up som eof the FWD boys were going on about how they were going to slid this part, tail brake that bit. oversteer this bit etc etc etc. what was funniest was then watching them spin on the spot. or go slide everywhere but on the track. there is a big difference between driving FWD and RWD. i learnt it by starting in smaller RWD cars and working up. been in them for 10 years now. and you drive them both very differntly. a FWD car can make a bad driver look good. but RWD can bite you in the arse if you don;t know what your doing.
  20. if it wasn;t for teaching i would have joined you in the pax
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