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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. If you have a plan for one, I can build it for you; at a cost of course.
  2. I looked at them for the jag, but at the time they didn't do a high enough weight rating. They are building a name but aren't as common as say toyo. But have been involved in drifting and bikes.
  3. Win 8 hasn't effected any of my software, no need to reinstall software, 7 is still there its just the new home page laid over the desktop. My desktop stayed the same. Don't mind it on the pc, but it comes into its own on my tablet pc. On my surface I never use the desktop, I do it all on the app screen. Settings and control panel are all still there you just pull up the hidden tool menu on the right, and go to settings. Or use the search function.
  4. meh, its alright its a good alrounder, great car to start off in if new to RWD. good GT car, but if you want a track toy, you'll need to spend a wodge to lighten and improve.
  5. good work, you'll need a bigger drive soon lol
  6. Welcome to the club, was great meeting you the other day, if you need any help I am literally a stones throw across the road.
  7. I got the first post, just thought I'd spell the process out for those that struggle.
  8. whats that? ...You've got lube! ...Alright I'm in!
  9. Shows how observant I am, I didn't even notice congrats
  10. you'd think, but the amount of questions we get.
  11. These are well easy !/ I have a bit of a fetish for wheels and change them quite a lot. The first aftermarket wheels I bought were very bling and shiny but what make were they. Round ones 2/ The boat I am working on at the moment is now registered in the UK but when we took it over it wasnt, in what country was it registered. The name will help you a lot :wink: Titanic registered in ireland 3/ What is the name of the nearest Michelin Star restaurant to LakeZ 2013. I believe they now have two stars. Mcdonalds I've surely won with this
  12. its not how big he is that counts; its what you do with him that matters
  13. only change to the bumper was the lip of the grill and the angle and shape of the reflectors. biggest give away is if you buy an aftermarket bumper they aren't age specific; they seem to fit all cars
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