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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. As dblock pointed out it wasn't the beer companies fault, but as usual social media has helped fuel the need for people to be angry at something. And as usual there are plenty of people to jump on an issue without actually looking at all the facts.
  2. Might make the end of the financial year in april
  3. I work with kids, and have to say we seem to be raising a generation of spoon fed, molly coddled, dependent group of future adults. Who can't think for themselves and panic over the mere implication of a challenge. By shielding them from everything does that not breed a naïve and blinkered person, how can they be independent and think for themselves if their wrapped in bubble wrap. Kids know he's a bad man and did bad things, its not like their watching the sex tapes. I'd be more concerned About the amount of kids growing up in single homes/ broken homes/ same sex homes/ dollers. Etc etc etc. 90% of the kids I deal with who have some kind of issue or flaw or malfunction comes from one of the above. I'm not saying all kids in these families have issues, but most kids with issues come from one of these families. There have always been bad people and always will be. Instead of hiding our kids away from it, should we not be teaching them what to look for and how to deal with it/avoid it? Just another string to the bow of the nanny state. Looks like we're turning into a mini USA.
  4. Do you think they actually watched it? Most likely just playing a series on repeat. It wasn't as if the tweeny was having sex with a child. I think people are just hyper sensitive. It was made before the allegations. Was not offensive, but apparently is now. Yes jimmy did a lot of very horrible stuff. Its happened, the police are dealing with it. I think people need to man up a bit when it comes to references of stuff. Does this mean they will no longer show episodes of top of the pops 2 just because you might see images of jimmy introducing music. Oh the horror.
  5. i don;t drink heineken because i don;t like beer
  6. looks likea bull mastiff
  7. I'm very jealous, spent today looking at basset puppies
  8. Good effort mate, I think they should bring it back.
  9. If you need any vinyl, just let me know. Can supply the entire hexis range
  10. If you're careful you can remove the pods. They are plastic welded on, but can be un snapped, but you need to wear your captain brave pants.
  11. If you lay the seat down, it makes you more aerodynamic, so you can go faster. :wink:
  12. Police might stop you on those, they stick out a lot. Look nice though.
  13. I'm in Suffolk, but I'm doing some work with a paints company in the midlands.
  14. Been enjoying driving in the snow, jags been coping well with it
  15. I'm tempted to start building the cookout system for forum peeps, but not sure there is enough interest.
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