Is it one like this?
Difficulty with that cover is it isn't all smooth. the textured bits around the nissan and V6 badge would look terrible dipped, so you would either need to mask them off or fill them before spraying; which would bring in a whole load of prep.
You could do just the white bits, and mask the rest off, or do that in reverse do everything but the white bits in carbon, and then possibly introduce a differnet colour on the white, either to match the car, or introduce a new colour theme for the car.
If it was me doing a pet project and not dipping it, i would remove the badges (to be refitted later) fill all the textured stuff in the middle. sand it smooth (including the rest of the cover as it has a plastic texture at a guess) paint the grey plastics a nice dark colour, either a nice metallic black or a black and colour/metallic mix and then paint the white bits a nice metallic theme colour. clear coat the lot, and then refit the badges.