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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. AMT u Mite Wnt 2 wtch te txt spk n hr peeps dnt lik it and with regards to the audi's speed isn't everything, i'd rather have an audi interior than a nissan interior, materials are nicer, looks better as well.
  2. the oroginal is no longer in production, but copies often go by the name of nismo N2 as well as the V2, shine might do one, speak to the traders on here
  3. i have one on our street who parks right on a corner, not just before or just after, but right on it, and not close to the curb, no that would be too easy, no, they park about 2 foot away, and if cars are in the parking bay opposite, you almost need to perform a 3 point manouve to get round it.
  4. Someone please explain, I think this has gone over my head
  5. Thanks scuba, inthought I was right, but was to lazy to go and look
  6. Its like watching Godzilla getting electrocuted while he sticks a remote up his arse, I laugh every time I see it
  7. Half my neighbours have parking spaces but they're round the back, so they park on the road at the front. Does my head in, but I don't complain as I have to live with them, and I do get on with them,
  8. We live on a similar property development, I dug our front garden up and turned it into a parking space. Lots do it on our street as well. Most I don't mind but I'm getting close reporting the idiotic ones who park right on a junction, or park on both sides leaving no room to get through. And recently had to deal with one who parked in front of our drive. This time I reported it. Next time I'm jacking it up and leaving it on axle stands.
  9. you're the only one in your class
  10. Its against the highway code from memory, so technically it could get you points, especially if you're blocking pedestrians access
  11. Reallyblike that, very nice,
  12. That's what admin put on the forum when they advertise, but all they get is Beavis reapplying
  13. When its cold it just reads "pull here repeatedly"
  14. I had a tattoo of some writing put down the side of my penis, it was a single line of text in a size 16 print and runs from the base to the tip; it says "In case of emergency pull here repeatedly, if nothing happens inflate with mouth and the insert into a warm place. Vigorous movement may cause leakage, so Handle with care. Warning may cause chaffing and babies!"
  15. it comes with xenons they are all crap regardless of if its gt or not
  16. why was the woman in the living room, the chain in the kitchen had been made to long
  17. if you plan to do lots to it, then the non GT is a good base to start with, if you plan to keep it pretty standard, then get the GT
  18. theres another one where his brother swaps his xmas presents for i think empty boxes, or coal, or hide them all together. can;t remember now, but he ends up lobbing everyones presents out the front, including the xmas tree, and i think he sets them on fire from memory. there is another where he is trying to launch his TV career, he is doing a comercial and doesn;t understand the i think german producers and gets very rude. theres another of him trying to be a chef and him arguing/fighting with his brother.
  19. that swhy women have small feet so they can get closer to the sink. these are all oldies, and if you have a search for the marriage thread i think we exhausted every joke going. ran for 3 threads each averaging 60 pages. of a group of us trying to come up with the most offensive sexist joke. i do miss those days
  20. there are loads of videos of this bloke, his brother filmed him, i think he's the one who tries to stick the remote up his arse when his mum blocks his world of war craft account. you lot do realise he has learning difficulties. i think he is autisitic. that or he has been so spoilt as a child he is a complete egit
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