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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Learn something new everyday
  2. rtbiscuit


    If your looking at vreds, I'd be looking at the new vorti, as the old sessanta is being phased out.
  3. Will it keep going round the supermarket car park while I shop? Or does it have a setting where it loiters out the front of the supermarket, but does a loop of the car park if security or traffic warden come out?
  4. that will be expolited soon enough for nicking someones car. it will drive itself on to the trailer thats nicking it when they high jack the BT signal for it.
  5. their like ADHD children, they are sleeping now but tomorrow, its a spam onslaught
  6. MR2 roadster may have been a very, but it had the best engine and chassis, and was by far a better drive, I don't tend to listen to peoples opinions on a car unless they've owned it or driven it. Alright it was bug eyed, but it was a cracking car. Also the jag xk was better in the old x100 format compared to the new x150. Saying that the new one has better running gear and chassis. I'd take the old looks on the new chassis and running gear.
  7. apparently audi and BMW are planning on making indicators standard on their cars next year. at the moment they're only an optional extra.
  8. you made the mistake of thinking thats the fast lane; its not, thats the german lane. your only meant to use it if you drive a german car, apparently its written into the law, if you use it and there is a german car behind you must let it past. its why they are so expensive, the extra cost is to hlep pay for the german lane on motorways and dual carriageways.
  9. its not fun when you have to submarine a car, did it recently near harlow, 2 miles of flooded back roads. ar$e hole so tight you could fold a 10p piece with it.
  10. if SMD uses them they must be good. just remember what one person likes in a speaker is not always the same as someone else. some are warmer than others, some people like volume over clarity, etc. best to go listen to them first and see what you like. me personally i'm a fan of rainbow speakers, but thats me and my ears.
  11. Fixed that for you I think i prefer your version
  12. i watch top gear to make me smile, if i want to find out useful informative info about a car, i go to pistonheads. if i want to fall asleep i watch 5th gear. if i want to look at pictures i buy topgear or CAR.
  13. and they were jammed all the way through the tyre, bloody hell
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