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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I thinks that's London for you. X5 has more presence so will get left alone
  2. Its the tuning potential that's really going to sell them, and the fact its red with a good chassis. How many bhp you have isn't everything. Under 200bhp works well if the car is light. Power to weight ratio won't be far off the zed.
  3. Cracking snow plow gorgeous lip.
  4. Always wanted to try a 4wd its on my list of things to own.
  5. The woman or the car? Don't mind either in 4x4
  6. Apparently Sainsbury super is BP super
  7. I like it, but I'd like it more when they do an sti version
  8. have you tried using google to see if anywhere comes up near you? i did have a mate up there who was building race cars, but he's now moved down to oxford, otherwise i'd have sent you his way.
  9. +1 i still need to upload a picture to that website
  10. its a very female friendly car, as RWD goes its very user friendly and a good beginners car. lots of the male owners on here may try to convince you its a mans car, but i think its a ladies car. we have a large group of female members on here and i think that is testiment to its popularity with the ladies. yes the gear box is a bit stiff, but think of it like a bolt action rifle. the clutch is a little heavy, but you get used to it quickly.
  11. thats like saying michelle McManus is just a bit over weight
  12. there is falcon performance over in middlesborugh/newcastle way, but i don;t know if thats even further away from you.
  13. i find it can actually be the web page as well. on here if i use my tablet, i sometimes have to scroll up before i can type in the box even if i click in the box that i can see it doesn;t bring the hole box up. but i have none of these issues on the old forum over at XKEC everything works fine. if in doubt i just plug the keyboard in and use that on my surface.
  14. have you tried contacting american sites? or tried tarmac at tarmac sportz, he tends to be able to get most things in from the states, and he is a JWT distributor, so may have links with JWT and can get their oil.
  15. 11k for a 10 year old nissan, your having a laugh. mods don;t add value, and in the rare occasions where people manage it, they are never valued at what the owner thinks its worth. its probably worth with mods 7-8k max
  16. there are at least 3 good suppliers of exhausts and 350Z upgrade parts, have a browse of the likes of CS (cougar store) RS styling Tarmac sportz
  17. also if it was me i'd look for a larger capacity battery, JDMs tend to come with smaller batteries. so if you get one the same as the uk spec one should help the car. also i can reccomend the bosch S5 batteries, come with a 5 year warranty. good for cold starts and short drive mileage.
  18. don't forget to disconnect and reconnect the battery breather tube if it has one. should be alright as its in the fron tof the car, but my battery is in the boot so has a breather to the outside of the car. when you get a new battery, it gives you instructions on which terminals to disconnect first and which to put back on first.
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