My parents were working class to start with, their first home was a static caravan, I grew up with very few luxuries, but was happy and content. I would say I'm middle class with working class routes. My wife hates it when I tell her I'm part chav.
With reference to the video above, I don't understand why the benefits is not given in coupon form. So they can get food to live etc, but doesn't cover them for luxury items like alcohol and tobacco, dvds etc. Benefits should be there to help people survive until they get back on their feet. And not to fund a cushy lifestyle on their arse. Their take home on benefits is more than I earned as a qualified teacher in my early years. And to earn that much I had to work bloody hard to get it. So why the **** am I funding people that much cash.
If you don't pay in, you can't take out. Should be the rule. And the more you've paid in the more help your entitled too. So if you've worked for 20 years they role the red carpet out for you, but if you've never paid in, they give you a tin of beans and tell you to **** off.