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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i find first thing on a morning is good, the oil has had 12 hours to cool, and usually on a crisp winter morning, the oil is even thicker due to the low temps.
  2. its not that hard to read, but its best done on a cold engine on a flat surface, and you have about 2 dips in the pipe before it starts to smear up the tube. as for putting it in, it just takes practice thats all. i didn;t find it that difficult.
  3. there is the dry sump method. basically you leave it till the engine spits a piston through the bonnet, then you know its time to top it up again,
  4. No they won't they'll offer you peanuts and try and flog it for a fortune. When I bought mine back in 2008, the local stealer wanted £20,000, I got one newer with less miles for £15,000. They just wait to sell them to mugs who don't shop around I dont think there is anything wrong with that personally. It's not dishonest as thats what they do. don't blame them for trying, but thats why i shop around.
  5. No they won't they'll offer you peanuts and try and flog it for a fortune. When I bought mine back in 2008, the local stealer wanted £20,000, I got one newer with less miles for £15,000. They just wait to sell them to mugs who don't shop around
  6. i'll probably go and see it or wait for it to hit DVD. it aint going to be speilberg, but for something to pass the time without thinking it will be worth a watch
  7. it was like walking into the forum that dooy built this morning. hit the "view new content button, and there was 2 pages of doogy locked posts
  8. recently i've had an issue with my address being used to set up a lot of fraudlent phone accounts. because of this i have had to deal with every mobile company going, my findings so far O2 (also my current phone provider) UK call centre - fast and brilliant service, basically took the details said don't worry we'll sort from here, and they've been spot on - pleasure to deal with EE - got through to a UK call centre, again brilliant knew what to do, took details and sorted it, polite friendly super service Vodaphone - think i was directed to somewhere in asia. people very friendly, but couldn't work out side the script, they didn;t fill me with confidence that the problem was sorted, but to give them their dues, it seems to have been fixed Orange - se comment for vodaphone i will tell you what i have found to be the best invention is the new live webchat that O2 use (possilby others) doesn;t matter where they are from or where they are, it just seems to work, typed text is so much easier, no waiting on phones, everything is typed so no mistakes from language barriers. if a company has webchat i use it. i don;t ring unless i really have to.
  9. see i know where your coming from but i've gone windows. my tablet talks to my desktop, updates its apps between the 2 (where possible) i can use my desktop on my tablet. I'm actually finding my android phone the weak link at the moment. and i've loved my adroid phones. but in 18 months time i think i may be getting a windows phone and hopefully they'll all talk to each other. and i think thats the thing, your better to stick to one set of hardware sometimes as it works well to together. I can understand why my wife loves her apple stuff. i don;t judge her for it. i'd probalby say on a tablet level, her ipad is better than my surface, but i like the OS and i don;t get on with apple products. its not that they aren't good its just i'm not an apple person
  10. the last asymetrics were good and so were the original GSD3's, wouldn;t expect anything less
  11. i've done a full knee dislocation, ripped it all to shreds, i feel your pain.
  12. obviously bigger than they look, still think the wheels are hanus though, go with the brake upgrade, but don;t put those heavy cast 20" wheels on, it will be like roping lead weights around the cars wheels
  13. i leave companies that out source their customer support. or if i'm looking at signing with someone i discount any who outsource.
  14. they look like the same size as the brembo's they'll look small under 20" wheels
  15. i just ordered a re count.....votes have been re counted.....still a numpty
  16. Bmc are very good, went with ram air as they were half the price, and tested the ram against bmc with a garage that sells them. He's tried several cheap copies and none could supply enough air flow compared to the bmc, but the ram air is the first that copes equally as well as the bmc.
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