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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i think japseye lost their customer base on here when they tried to say the car was wonky and not their system. personally i wouldn't trust their products and i certainly wouldnt use their manifolds as they are a pig to get to if the welds degrade. the K1 also sounds like arse as well, yes its loud, but its not a refined loud its a raspy, car rattling noise.(with the bungs out) with the bungs in; it looks like a whales vagina
  2. is that painted of a carbon insert? looks good
  3. i think i deleted a couple when try to quote, but if you have a look at the link, there are a couple that get repeat reccomendations. my wifes friend lives up there and i did go to a garage with him, but for the life of me i can;t remember which one and where. but have a search on Yell.com for the names and you should get addresses etc
  4. i wouldn't trust kwik sh1t to put dustcaps on a valve; with the power of google i came up with these quotes from here http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/archive/index.php/t-158883.html Bartram Motors, on Olivet Road at Woodseats. It's just a little two man business in a shed ... but they've always been very efficient Gordon Road Garage, near Sharrowvale Rd. Hunters Bar. D & L Autos off Rutland Rd have always been good Try Guernsey Garage on Guernsey Road, 0114 2580615. It's at the back of Heeley Bottom, arcoss from Dunhelm. Alan's the mechanic. Totally reliable and very reasonably priced. I've been using him for 10 years now and wouldn't go anywhere else. Have also used Snuff Mill in the past and only have good reports. D.G. Autos who are about a 5 minute drive from Banner Cross. They are at the end of Abbey Lane, on the outskirts of Woodseats and I have used them for years. Very honest, fair and competent. 0114 274 6472 is their number
  5. sorry to hear your sad news, i hope he makes a full recovery
  6. No doubt find it is not submissable in the event of an accident or somerging along those lines works well enough for the russians
  7. he may have to look in england for a teaching job, but even then its small picking at the moment in certain subjects. what i would reccomend is for him to look at a 2nd subject. alot of schools are desperate for maths teachers and often offer pe jobs that are mainly maths with a bit of PE. if he's willing to teach something else, especially if he has a little background in that area might give him a boost in employment credentials. drop me a line if you like, been teaching for 9 years now, am also a trainee teaching mentor; happy to offer advice,
  8. Where is Neily BTW?! roiding it up i suspect
  9. i have to be honest i do like it north of the border, and would just like to point out that what i say is tongue in cheek, just thought i';d say it now before i end up with some crazed ginger turn up on my door drinking buckfast and ranting something about garlic, haggis and braveheart. :wink:
  10. all i got from that was there's one scottish bloke who can read
  11. i'm a big garlic fan as well; but its spelt G A R L I C they just don;t get the same level of education across the border.
  12. You want me to start going on about our North Sea oil! Lol. what do you mean..."your" north sea oil? you lot just drill it for us, See if us Scots had independence 25 years ago, we would have been the Dubai of the north! what; covered in sand and riding camels?
  13. You want me to start going on about our North Sea oil! Lol. what do you mean..."your" north sea oil? you lot just drill it for us,
  14. to be fair its difficult for scotsmen to get jobs...you know...with the language barrier and all. for alot of them its a 2nd language
  15. i thought thats what scotlands for? if you go on the dole they move you across the border?
  16. I don't know much about politics, but I think the reason why we get all these freebies, like uni tuition fees, prescriptions, eye exams, dental check up's etc is so we all think the country is doing well under SNP and we will all vote for independence next year. and they get the english to pay for it. genius
  17. what operating system do you prefer, if is android i have the HTC one X and very pleased with it, if i wanted to spend more money instead of the free phone, i would have got the S3 if you like apple get a 4 if you like windows i think the new experia Z from sony is meant to be the dogs danglies. i'm currently on android, loved it, but recently i decided to move to one operating system, so next upgrade in 18 months will be to windows. not because its the best but because it means what i use all the time will intergrate better. and hopefully in 18 months windows should have refined their phone tech more.
  18. is it from the university of cunning from the professor of cunning himself, so cunning that even a cunning fox is suprised?
  19. i'm not sure it looks right in the zed cabin, its not terrible, but i don;t think it works, just looking at the picture above looks too flat.
  20. the dial cowels are plastic welded from underneath, they can be snapped off and then re bonded, but i fould i had to wear my captain brave pants; as i was worried about snapping stuff. I know BM managed to remove them this way, and it then means you can tuck things under the cowels for a neater edge.
  21. depends where i am, at home either on my windows surface tablet, or my old PC, if i'm travelling it will be on my phone, if its luchtime i'm on the works laptop.
  22. good effort, with regards to the triple dials you can pop the cowlings off which should make the rest of the job easier
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