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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. those zeds scare the heck out of me
  2. or just eat real bacon, although I would be tempted with having some bacon salt to go with my bacon.
  3. personally I love the CTR, great fun to drive, real good B road bomber
  4. I couldn't be a veggie-squarian. life would be miserable with out the likes of bacon and steaks
  5. I feel I should expand on my last answer, there have been several posts over the last 2 years of new members being surprised that they haven't left other cars trailing by as much as they thought they would. with a lot of the new hot hatches they can be nearly as quick as the zed, or easily tuned to the same or higher. zed is better looking, but when you take into account the cars weight. people are sometimes disappointed. I think some people think they've bought a Ferrari. its quick but as with many things there is always something quicker. enjoy the zed for its well balanced drive; and good looks
  6. people get upset on here when civic type Rs keep up with them
  7. we were born to eat meat; if we were meant to be vegetarian we would have been born a rabbit
  8. is this a euphemism for going straight?
  9. from memory, the zed doesn't like LPG few have tried, all I think ended up with ....bang
  10. I have a good bodyshop I use in martlesham, they are also BMW certified, and do a lot of prestige stuff, they've done a few zeds and are very reasonable if that helps
  11. I supply hexis vinyl to members on here.
  12. there are a few on here who it drives them up the wall
  13. f you're 28 you shouldn't be using txt speak on a forum full of grammar Nazis
  14. one of my friends friends is a manger for kwik sh1t; he keeps trying to persuade me to bring the jag there for tyres and other work, because he can "do me a good deal" I cant break it to him that I'd rather wash me car with pebbles than let a kwik monkey near my car. especially because you need a special machine to do the wheels upside down as I have rare 20" BBS split rims.
  15. I had a look for my area and the good garages I know, don't even appear on there. most of the good garages I've ever used have been by word of mouth, they don't always advertise.
  16. now that's a collection from a man who's never had sex.
  17. http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/accessories-tyres/36054/towing-pole-test
  18. we toyed with the idea of a rope tow from cov to blackburn, but you can;t tow on motorways, so we would have to back road it all the way, if we got one of those solid tow mechs (a bar instead of a rope i'd be more enclined. I'm going to google it now. http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_801253_langId_-1_categoryId_165551 thing is for the petrol for the jag to tow to blackburn its almost the same to pay for a tow truck
  19. if you're going to buy one just go in with your eyes wide open. most people actual drive a car thats been for a repair, but becuase it was repaired when the car was worth more, the repair was never logged. its only when the price drops enough that the same repair becomes a Cat D, lots of people have hang ups about CAT D cars, but most are financial write offs, and not becuase they are unrepairable. you buy them for less and you sell them for less, yes its harder to shift, but then you paid less to start with.
  20. he may have to look in england for a teaching job, but even then its small picking at the moment in certain subjects. what i would reccomend is for him to look at a 2nd subject. alot of schools are desperate for maths teachers and often offer pe jobs that are mainly maths with a bit of PE. if he's willing to teach something else, especially if he has a little background in that area might give him a boost in employment credentials. drop me a line if you like, been teaching for 9 years now, am also a trainee teaching mentor; happy to offer advice, Thanks for the advice. I tried to talk him into primary education as he has acquired around 200 hours of voluntary work in the last 4 years working with active school's coordinators. One of the head teachers also suggested it to him. primary is a good route if you're a male teacher, there is such a shortage in KS2 that; although there are lots of people applying for jobs, most are women, and so for once, men tend to get the priority and snapped up as they are so needed in that age group. my wife teaches KS1 and she loves it, but in her school there are no male role models, and the kids really benefit from it. the only problem is you have to enjoy teaching that age group. i prefer teaching older kids. the older they get, the more i enjoy teaching them. i find the younger kids tiresome, demanding and a bit wet.
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