But going on your above comment, and i don't like to bring car history into it your experience of cars is limited, you came from a hyundai coupe (not that its a bad car). now i could take you out in my old S2000, slightly slower thna the zed yes, but if you think your mate shat himself i'm fairly certain i could get you to follow through on a track day, the balance was outstanding and allowed for things the zeds weight just won;t allow. or if it was a few years back and i'd taken you out in the old MR2 roadster, with its mid engine layout, yes it had only 140 bhp, but it could stop in distances and accelerate like a mean machine and on twisty roads would make a very difficult target for the zed to keep up with, able to outbrake it in the corners, but lose out in the torque on the straights. that car could do things on a hairpin that would make you wet yourself.
even my exprience is limited, i thought some of my cars had handling and braking potential. but my mate took me out in his VXR220 turbo that i think from memory was a stage 3 tune, and i swear under braking it wwas going to hemerage my spleen. when someone says it can stop on a 50 p piece youkind of shug and smile, that thing could start braking at the start of the coin and be stopped by the time it reached the other side, it was immence. and then its acceleraration would literally pin you to the chair. it had 5 point harnesses for a reason
yes the zed is a good car, its quick enough, but its not the pinnacle of motoring neither are any of the cars i've mentioned or ones that i have owned. I'd say the 911 is close,
but as for interior sweeping curves are nice and all, but when it looksl ike they used fisher price toys to nick the plastic from, it ruins the feel of the car.