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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. he watched too many episodes of due south
  2. god always got to find fault in something if its bonnet was longer it would be more like an s2000, then you'd grumble it doesn't look like a zed, nd of coure the zed is better
  3. ings front and what ever the rear is look nice, but get rid of the mesh in the nostril, and don;t use the same horrible chicken wire. get some proper stuff like this
  4. i recognised the front as ings, but as i was about to go and teach i didn;t have time to look at the other pics sorry, seems the others have solved the other parts.
  5. aparently the mexican pushed his wife off the cliff....tequila
  6. i just keep quiet; its apparently dangerous to have an opinion now. which is sooooooooooooo Ghey!
  7. is it spelt Juan? i'm not sure i spelt it the first time how it sounds
  8. if you're a minority its perfectly fine to berate everyone else, but if your in the majority you can;t say anything thats seen as controversial. what the difference between black and mexican jokes.....once you've heard Huan, you've heard Jamal
  9. due to released this year for sale
  10. its not tan, if it was tan it would be nice, those are alezean orange seats. its the dale winton of the seat leather world. this is tan leather this is nissan alezean orange
  11. my car dfoes 8 miles a day for work, i think i can cope without the GT aspect.
  12. Looks very tidy, would be tempted myself, first alfa i've lusted over in a long time
  13. my xkr doesnt have one but copes fine without and its got alot more grunt than the zed. but then i wouldn't track the XKR, but there is a quaife LSD upgrade available.
  14. I don't know; it seems to work for a lot of people on here.
  15. see the zed for track use is at a crossroad, once you get to a certain point it either needs to lose weight or gain power, but if you go the power option it needs bigger brakes and better suspension. and a bit more under strut work to stiffen the chassis up..
  16. so mr colin chapman was an amatuer, and lotus based all their winning knowledge on the wrong idea. and the likes of BMW, Porsche, Audi, Lamborghini, Ferrari aston martin etc etc etc who all bring out more expensive light weight versions with half the interior missing, and carbon everything; don't do it becuase it makes it quicker or improves handling??? why have F1 teams moved from steel built cars, aluminium, to carbon fibre and now things like honey comb structures. they must all have it wrong as well??? christ why didn't i think about it, to win a race i need the lardiest car going. that must make me a gokarting future champion then
  17. car underseal with that in would be good.
  18. i would never pick a ferrari, just not my style. bit too highly strung and over tuned, its the sound for me, and they don;t do anything for me. but the lazier tune and less high reving engines of the likes of lambos and astons i do appreciate. if i had the cash i'd be looking at astons or maserati's or even new f type jag for a daily driver. wouldn't say no to a gayardo. but if i had a track toy it would be light and nimble. like a caterham, elise, xbow or kit car. i reckon the 911 sits nicly between the 2 categories, not too light, and not to heavy, plenty of punch, lots of feedback. probably put the M3 in the same box as well. I found when pushing on with the zed that its weight became the disadvantage once you got passed a certain point. it hampers the car. great for novices to RWD as it makes the car very predictable and controllable in oversteer, but annoying when your really trying to push it. so with regards to your question whats the right amount of power to weight, i give my 2 examples above, a 911 and an M3. yes you can get more power, or lighter cars, or more torque, or better steering response. but those 2 cars i would say are about right.
  19. i generally go with apexi if i can as they offer the best filtration along side performance. just be careful, some that offer great performance returns have the filtering ability of a wet tissue
  20. yep been seen before, sometime back in 2010 i think
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