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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. i's choose hi flows over decats any day, so much so I had a set custom built for my XKR
  2. expensive, not sure they eliminate all rasp as I never fitted them, but worth researching into
  3. you'll find a new rear box will add more tone. lower down the octave range, and more of a burble. it won't remove the rasp, and it won't hide it under high RPM, but it will make a nicer noise. the only decat setup that won't rasp is the motordyne art pipes as they have funny dildos on them that tune the rasp out.
  4. I don't blog for my business, but I do run a company facebook page. I can add text if I want to, but I generally just add photo updates of new stuff. I find a picture says a 1000 words, and people who are linked to it don't mind browsing a photo. but generally get annoyed with long text. people have short attention spans.
  5. I always think of you as the mums.net renegade; you want hardcore enough for their views so you splintered away to here. our gain their loss.
  6. blogging is the ability to spout random crap on a regular basis. your a woman so you're already half way there. and by the posting on here I'd say you have the other 50% nailed already. just before anyone gets upset, this was said very tongue in cheek, and I enjoy your mums.net posts. as you can se ipost on most of them
  7. f it makes you feel better the od m3 witht e straight 6 had a raspy note and some people think it sounds sporty and racey.
  8. exhaust will bed in as it cokes up, tone will deepen, the rasp might subside a bit more, need about 300 miles at least to get a better idea.
  9. it allows the exhaust gases to scavenge, this helps balance the 2 banks of the engine, improves performance, and noise, another alternative is an h pipe. which is slightly better sound, but slightly less performance.
  10. Audi's marketing and sales people aren't stupid, they know what they can shift and what makes money. this will be a calculated move with gaurenteed returns
  11. since then the car has been painted and de rusted under the car, the rear bumper has fallen off and a new aftermarket bumper is due to be fitted, thos also means a slight redesign of the exhaust at the rear to fit the cutouts in the new bumper. and the rust on the arches is about to be cut out qnd re welded as well. also depending on cash the plan id also to add in 2 exhaust bypass valves that will exit just infront of the rear wheels. long term plan is to put in a racing manifold but that's another £2k so going t save up for that.
  12. going on the size thing, my in laws looked at the q3 and the tiguan, they wanted a vehicle higher up snd easier to get into for their age, but didn't want the size of a range rover xc90 etc. they got a freelander in the end as it was a better weight for towing. so my guess is there are plenty of others with similiar needs
  13. my wife drives the xc60 because she likes the higher seating position, when she has had kids in the car its easier to access the kids seats as the car is higher, theboot is easier to get shopping in as the boot I higher up. she feels safer in it. so my guess is people who would buy this are people who like all of the above but want even more performance. its audi and its an RS badge so it will sell like hotcakes
  14. looks like a stillen copy, never heard of the company, might be better going for a proper stillen one, the price isn't much more
  15. exhaust is like a tuned instrument, change the diameter, bends, shape, length etc all have an impact on sound. I spent 6 months designing my own exhaust and then £1300 for it to be custom built. results =nice sound and no drone. Japspeed are one to avoid. nice set of berk hfc and you'll be a lot better. a lot of the rasp comes down to the poor design of the original system for noise. also if you went the decat route you'll need to remove them every 12 months for the MOT.
  16. I've just paid over £800 for a rear bumper and that was the discounted price.
  17. hope you enjoy it when it arrives. congrsts on the purchase
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