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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. while i'm at it i'm going to fit some reversing sensors as well. but it will be a hidden install as i don;t want any rear boot acne on the clean back end. i may even blend the spoiler in for a smooth look at the same time.
  2. there was a slightly cheaper bumper option which was this But it only came with square cut outs which were 5" x 5" and the only tips that fit it are square jaguar ones at £300 for a set, which brought the price of the bumper up to the same as the one i've got coming, but on the one i've got coming i can easily get the guys who built the original exhaust for me to alter it slightly and put some round tips in for a fraction of the cost. Either way it was going to be expensive, but this way also allows me to showcase the hydrographics, like i have in my engine bay. and soon will have in my interior and some other exterior parts.
  3. but you're missing mine; this bumper was chosen not because its the prettiest but because it comes up to under the lights, it means that I can do low quality welding under neath it as it cut out the rust and weld plates in. because there is so much rust to cut out it would cost a lot of money in filler restoring the shape of the car. this bumper allows me to cut the rust out, weld basic plates in, rust proof paint them and waxoil them to stop the rust coming back. it won't look pretty, but then the big bumper goes on top. hides all the repairs and looks pretty on top. to put it in monetary terms its the difference between a £2k job this was or a £4.5k to keep it looking standard. it would need 2 new rear rings, that's £1000 a piece, to fit them requires the rear screen, and the side windows removing, the whole back of the car dismantling, the old rearwings de seamed and unwelded, both rear wings welded on, and then blended back in. all the glass remounting. then the whole back of the car painting. doing it my wayshould leave money to dothe sides as well, butits a job that can wait a few months if necessary where the rear can't as the mot is next month and a rear bumper is some what vitsl to passing it.
  4. was a shame he never actually produced the plenum, it did have potential
  5. jaguar have a range, mine is in anthracite pearl = golds turquoises in the paint. they did one called; I think; amerthyst, (I used it on my engine) in some lights it looks black, in others it looks purple
  6. good man, might also be worth finding somewhere else to fit them that won't charge nearly £200
  7. alright quad lights are off the table. @ekona, I have sorted all the oily stuff, the engine is now top notch, and I have sorted most of the rust, underside of the car is now done, and this rear bumper is part of sorting the rust at the rear. next job is to sort the rust on the side sills and the leading edge of the rear arch, and that's when the sides go on to match the rear. but I have to do it a bit at a time as I don't have the budget to do the whole car in one go. depending on how much I can do my self I might have enough budget left over to do the sides at the same time.
  8. that's right it was Scott, he had good intentions, but poor business acumin, dealing with a guy doing the carbon work who was unreliable. the weave pattern was nice, the replacement trim to go round the back of the engine was ok. but I fitted the b pillars for tarmac and they were not the best fit.
  9. new bumper gets rid of the reflectors, and no regs to meet
  10. those were dan soulby's old moulds, the carbon plenum that never materialised
  11. I have no kids so its difficult to comment on this, i'd like to think if she was unharmed; I would show enough restraint that there was enough of the person left to go through the justice system. I have a feeling though that if I did find them, the police would be taking me in as well. but as no one knows how they'll react in a situation, its difficult to comment. for all I know I could end up frozen to the spot.
  12. there is a set of jewel lights on ebay at the mo for £180; will have a think, its more than I want to ay for them. but they don't come up that often
  13. see I wanted to like the quad lights, and a little of me does, but I needed some input from others the jewel lights are half the price. think you might be right. for now i'll get the rear on and judge it against the current lights
  14. do it. I double rubber black bondage dare you!
  15. Going to try and do this with lots of pictures to help, but the reason I started this post is the rear of my XKR fell off the bumper had been on a wing and a prayer for the last 18 months, but I finally gave out. so its brought forward a few jobs, one of those is treating the rust at the back and sides. so this is what my cars rear looked like to start with but then the bumper fell off and it now looks like this I have since removed the mount posts so it looks a little more streamline, but yes I am sporting the first ever rat look jag. now as part of the de rusting due to cost of work i'm limited on options returning it to stock will be too expensive as it would require 2 new rear quarters a lot of dismantling and welding and a lot of cash. so to bypass that. I have this bumper coming with a carbon rear diffuser, this is taken straight from an aston and built to fit the XKR (the diffuser not the bumper) I know ekona hates it, but I really like the rear and its going to solve all my rust issues. so my question is; and the reason for the long winded post is that as i'm updating the rear I was contemplating updating the old lights. I don't think the 06 jewel lights are enough of an improvement so I was thinking of getting a set of quad rear lights like this ignore the horrible bumper its mounted above, what are peoples thoughts? are quad lights on an XKR going to make it look stupid? do you think they will go with my new rear? at the same time the car is going to have the huge rear aerial removed and smoothed over and new round 4" rear tail pipes to poke out the back
  16. god I can't stand twatter, but I have linked my FB with a twitter account so when I post on one it updates the other.
  17. you can call me mr biscuit if it mkes you feel better, in my day job I get called sir. if it helps you can check out my business fb psge, just search for rtcustomz on there and look out for my avatar on the left.
  18. but the difference between the 2 is no mpre that say 5-8 bhp, which you'd never feel the difference. it is only beneficial for overall pub BHP bragging rights. if your desperate for squeezing every inch out of the dyno figure at the end then get the art pipes as they'll be your best option for reduced rasp. but with the restrictions and tightening of MOT regs i'd be more inclined for the hi flows.
  19. that's not s bad price at all
  20. still reckon hi flows are a better option
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