but you're missing mine; this bumper was chosen not because its the prettiest but because it comes up to under the lights, it means that I can do low quality welding under neath it as it cut out the rust and weld plates in. because there is so much rust to cut out it would cost a lot of money in filler restoring the shape of the car. this bumper allows me to cut the rust out, weld basic plates in, rust proof paint them and waxoil them to stop the rust coming back. it won't look pretty, but then the big bumper goes on top. hides all the repairs and looks pretty on top. to put it in monetary terms its the difference between a £2k job this was or a £4.5k to keep it looking standard. it would need 2 new rear rings, that's £1000 a piece, to fit them requires the rear screen, and the side windows removing, the whole back of the car dismantling, the old rearwings de seamed and unwelded, both rear wings welded on, and then blended back in. all the glass remounting. then the whole back of the car painting. doing it my wayshould leave money to dothe sides as well, butits a job that can wait a few months if necessary where the rear can't as the mot is next month and a rear bumper is some what vitsl to passing it.