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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I'm a cider monkey, well I used to be but I've had to come off the pints while I lose weight. As for this week, I fcuking hate fords, old and new. I know the escort is a much loved car, but I would have had an Alfa 1300 gta junior over the escort any day.
  2. my wife knew when she met me the car came high up the priority, so she leaves me alone on that.
  3. With the imminent arrival of my new bumper i am considering getting some parking sensors of some variety. but i'm looking for feedback and reccomendations. I can park the car fine now with out sensors before people start questioning driver ability; but the new bumper at the rear sits lower, and i'm concerned about clipping curbs. especially as the XKR is as long as an estate car, but has a port hole for a rear window. and a boot that hangs well over a foot over the rear wheels. 2 options i seem to have are ultrasonic or electromagnetic I've been looking at the Parking dynamics PD1 kit which is electromagnetic, i like it as has no ugly bumper acne, but it seems to get mixed reviews on how well it works. i've looked at a few other similiar systems, but i would be interested to hear from people with expereince of these systems. this style is my prefered choice. as for the ultrasonics, they seem alot more reliable and easier to change out if you have a fault. especially as my new rear is bonded to the car. but i do find them ugly looking. i am intrigued to know of what people think are the best sensors etc.
  4. i generally do what i like, i've just developed partial deafness over time; means i don;t hear the hassle i'm supposed to be getting. :grin:
  5. mine is not dissimilar
  6. all sold now, thanks mods please lock the thread
  7. sold to Kris thank you for quick everything. fraktion sorry, but you disappeared for a week. thread can be locked mods thanks
  8. Jag was before Aston at least on the db7
  9. You can almost any engine in any car, it just depends on how much you are willing to spend. Anything is possible if your budget is big enough.
  10. I had the original, g200 exhaust from invidia, it had no x or h pipe like the new ones. Indicia scraped this design and moved to the x because it is better, I think you'll find you will have made the exhaust quieter, the x pipe ads more burble and an h pipe or balance pipe sounds better, but doesn't perform as well. If it was me I'd take it back and get them to put a balance pipe in. Can be a smaller narrow gauge pipe, doesn't need to be same diameter. I did alto of research when I designed my own, and there was a reason I put the x pipe in.
  11. See I read his as LINDY and yours as LIAN, that's why a lot of plates are lost on me, I think its my dyslexia which means I don't read it the same as others and I miss other patterns.
  12. Its a very open wheel with not a lot of material, safe option would be shadow chrome. I must admit with that wheel design, I don't think it will carry many colours well, maybe a bronze or gold, or what about that cobalt blue that buster likes.
  13. Depends on the colour and if its done well, mod the car for yourself. I sometimes use the forum as a sounding board as I know I can occasionally go to far and its good to get others opinions as a base note.
  14. At least he spaces his plate correctly.
  15. was that the XFR? very nice car, wouldn't mind an XF as a family car in a few years. would love the XJ but they are a bit more pricey
  16. If you look at a map of the UK, Harwich is the ar$ehole of England
  17. Essex is part of east Anglia, not enough members in each county to make it worth doing, its meant to mean bigger meets with more people.
  18. Don't know till you put a Tyre on it and run it for a week
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