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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. nice spoiler, look forward to seeing it fitted
  2. I try to not make mistakes, but I know I'm not perfect. I will try harder.
  3. i know i go on about jags a lot but in this case with so many saying they want a V8, this is possibly one of the most reliable out there. the early model i have; has lots of issues, but the x150 seems pretty bullet proof. yes they are expensive to service etc but its a V8 and parts arent cheap as its a jag. but for comfortable cruiser and actually quiet good steering feel and feedback. its pretty good. its more driver involved than my x100 as the power steering setup on mine is over powering and numbs feedback. but given its size the xk is not a bad pony. with regards to a TVR i iowuld love a cerb
  4. basically short ram systems are not the best. but as the article says a long ram system seems to correct this on the zed.
  5. UK V8 and pretty reliable and in budget. ok its a luxo barge but its kudos http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201303125737377/sort/default/usedcars/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/price-to/19000/price-from/14000/model/xk/make/jaguar/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/radius/1500/postcode/ip52hr/page/2?logcode=p
  6. very true; horse for courses and all that. If people want to go the panel route i'd reccomend fly boys velocity stack mod if you have a DE engine. complements the build well and helps maximise BHP gains on a dyno.
  7. the difference between the 2 etc with uprev is so tiny you wouldn;t notice, its mostly about pub bragging rights and getting the highest number on a dyno sheet. 15bhp is like the difference between not eating for a couple of days and having a large roast dinner beofre going out in the car. yes you might sacrifice a little bhp for a cone filter if its in the engine bay, but once the car is moving there is more than enough air entering to keep it cool. I'd rather have a little noise and drama and sacrifice a couple of ponies, than rince everything out of the car just so i can say i have 302 bhp instead of 298. On the XKR i'm using a RAM air carbon box and filter. (still need to cut a hole into the wheel arch to get direct cold air feed.) i did it becuase it looks nicer in the engine bay than the old sun bleached box i had, its carbon, and it makes a bit more induction noise which is fun. i suppose the advantage is i have well over 400bhp so i'm not bothered about rinsing everything for pub top trumps,
  8. i use a similiar system on the jag, love it, got it to give some kind of heat soak protection. but as smudge has a system and just wants the filter then i'd say apexi offer the best filter. its the same reason i used to sell the apexi panel filters.
  9. husky transported 4 19 inch rims with out tyres but still in boxes i could get 4 rays with tyres on in the zed
  10. http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/filters_test/2/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/33698-modifying-the-kn-typhoon-to-take-an-apexi-cone/page__hl__apexi
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apexi-Universal-Power-Intake-Replacement-Filter-OD-160mm-ID-85mm-/281048159117?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item416fc6938d why get a 350z one you only want the filter you can get adapters as well like this one http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apexi-Universal-Power-Intake-Air-Filter-75mm-Dual-Funnel-Adapter-/130782385724?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item1e733cd63c i think i even have one knocking around somewhere in the garage
  12. it has a carbon prop shaft technically it shouldn't go on a roller brake tester, but to be honest i don;t think it actually matters. the theory is it sends forces back up the LSD which it possibly wouldn;t like.
  13. The old rule didn't require the cats to be present as such, just that the vehicle passed the required emissions test. The new rule would seem to indicate that cats, if originally fitted, are still present. Irrespective of the emmissions result. This if it came with cats from the factory it should still have them in at the mot centre. where before it had to pass the emissions it could be bypassed by sticking the meter in another car nearby, now there is a visual inspection.
  14. do you mean catalytic converters?
  15. Found this quiet interesting oringinal webpage http://money.aol.co.uk/2012/08/30/which-colour-car-holds-its-value-best/
  16. There are more checks on the MOT's from today OK I can understand some but the Catalytic Convertor will catch many out Nothing to do if the new one still works, just not original spec New checks The new rules, which come into force today, include a range of new tests, including a check that the airbag is present and working, and that the speedometer is correct and can be illuminated. The seats will have to be adjustable, and the rear doors will have to open properly from the outside. The towbar shouldn't be modified - neither should the catalytic convertor if it came with the car. The new rules regarding catalytic converters applies to all vehicles that were originally fitted with cats at the time of manufacture. I believe the wording is something along the lines "Where required, a missing catalytic converter becomes a reason for rejection." Effectively therefore, the removal of the cat or fitting of a De-Cat system will be cause for failure
  17. i yearn for another good french car from the pug maker. loved the 205Gti and the 306 GTi6 since then its been a bit meh! the 206 gti180 was just a fat tarted 206 and since then its like they gave up on their heritage. renault have some interesting projects in the pipe line to look forward to. i just wish pug would do more. as for the looks. its a TT homage; TT came first then the zed then the pug. they all follow similiar design lines, but thats just coupe styling for you.
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