There are more checks on the MOT's from today
OK I can understand some but the Catalytic Convertor will catch many out
Nothing to do if the new one still works, just not original spec
New checks
The new rules, which come into force today, include a range of new tests, including a check that the airbag is present and working, and that the speedometer is correct and can be illuminated.
The seats will have to be adjustable, and the rear doors will have to open properly from the outside. The towbar shouldn't be modified - neither should the catalytic convertor if it came with the car.
The new rules regarding catalytic converters applies to all vehicles that were originally fitted with cats at the time of manufacture. I believe the wording is something along the lines "Where required, a missing catalytic converter becomes a reason for rejection." Effectively therefore, the removal of the cat or fitting of a De-Cat system will be cause for failure