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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. I don't argue with them, I just tell them how it is.
  2. Looks top dollar Pete. You and Chris have done top work
  3. They're all Findus tuners....proper pony chasers; so they all go panel filter stock setup, and if a DE engine then a flyboy velocity stack to squeeze the extra horses out. But those that like a nice noise use a range of things like jwt pop chargers, typhoons, BMC CDA, etc etc
  4. Myself and my wife are both looking forward to this
  5. rtbiscuit

    Any ideas?

    I can cut you a load of designs to stick on the vinyl if you want them. That way you just need plain vinyl and then add the pics on once its been wrapped. Can also supply the vinyl for you.
  6. its only 7 horses to worry about the DE was 276 bhp as standard
  7. In suffolk they like the word "shoe" as in " we were out last night on the lash and this drunk girl shoe me her breasts! so i shoe her my todger!" But this is moving more into dielect than spelling and grammar one that my students use is the term "goes" instead of says/said etc this was also popular in essex where i used to work. so i always ask them mid senstence "where did he go?"
  8. The doctor said twins, but it turned out to be a set of bouncy black quadtuplets; kingsii now seriously questioned his caribbean milkman tyrone!
  9. rtbiscuit

    Toyo T1R

    Soft sidewalls. I didn't like them,
  10. Might sound odd, but find a terra-clean dealer, and get them to run a treatment on it.
  11. Remind me again Richard. What is it you teach and to whome:) secondary age and in technology
  12. like having sex with a fat girl, look for the wet patch and focus there.
  13. XKR is munching its way through the snow quiet happily, and its on summer tyres
  14. That will have a knock on effect on 2nd car prices, looks like Nissan just screwed all their existing customers to get new ones.
  15. I am in a slight conundrum, my new front bumper is currently sat ready for collection in Lammas near norwich; and i need to get it back to home, which is kesgrave near ipswich. sadly my car is not big enough to collect with, nor i think is a small van, possibly need something merc vito size. is there anyone in the area willing to pay courier for me, happy to throw some petrol money their way and a tea and biscuit or some vinyl work if they want it? I've looked at renting a van, but cheapest i can find is £50 before i even put any fuel in it.
  16. i want your workshop, i so want a bigger garage to set up more toys.
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