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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. well today I started with this then I did this and finished with this this was so I could take it home, still got to paint it, and fit the lower grille and under tray, and the in arch extensions. then I need to find new fog lights. it goes in to the body shop on Tuesday, where the sides and rear will be fitted properly and the whole car gets a lick of paint.
  2. i'll drop you a message after the weekend, am having the easter weekend off
  3. I use falken 452s on my 20" BBS wheels, not as good as MPSS but cost £600 instead of £1400 needed for tyres
  4. it seems to have good days and bad days
  5. got mine as well, although was just out the door, so not had a proper look yet.
  6. Have no problem with the old lady coming back from zim, as for bm, on the plane he must go...back to scotland
  7. Www.photobucket.com start an account, you can upload pics on it, then copy and paste the img code on here, and voilà pics on here. PB is a host site
  8. Its why I like apex, as they are a dry filter. But good to hear aem doing them as well now.
  9. Too much hammered copper going on in there, needs a contrasting colour, maybe some graphics on the harness cover. I can cut you some if you want.
  10. They left too much space, they should have done it so you could just get a tag paper between the zed and the police car.
  11. I thought about moving too a cerbera after the xkr, but they seem so similar I've been happy to stay with the jag, its been pretty reliable, and yes a small money pit, but probably a lot better on the wallet than the cerb.
  12. looks good, BF3 was good until they made the servers crap
  13. but you can at least swear at them and hit them with a night stick
  14. Awesome! You've brought her up well! +1
  15. This is why I get my Waitrose shopping delivered
  16. We used to charge commercial systems by pressure, this the way the boss wanted it doing, but we were always installing from new, I never did the servicing side.
  17. My childhood has come back to haunt me
  18. Between £300 & £500 depending on condition and if they have Tyres and what Tyres and the condition they are in.
  19. Pirelli aren't great, took them off the xkr as they were very floaty at speed. Try the vredestein vorti
  20. Its still there, I'm just very aware of writing stuff on an open forum.
  21. This one is not me boys....were you on xkec? I'm on over there as well as here. I went 350z to s2000 to xkr. The 8 and the zed aren't to dissimilar, they are both big girls with big engines, I moved from the zed as I found it didn't deliver what I wanted it too. But its not like the zed is gutless, although the TCS is more interfering than a labour government. I would turn it off.
  22. We have a behaviour unit of sorts, which I happen to work in 2 days a week, don't need to beat them, it usually works if you can out talk them, out bravado them, basically verbally put them in there place. But the trick is not to belittle them or pick on them, otherwise you lose their respect. And to be honest 90% of getting difficult students to do things they don't want to do is all down to mutual respect. I don't shout or yell at students, if you do you've already lost as you've got no where else to go. I just tell them how it is. And yes apparently according to friends and family I supposedly have the patience of a saint.
  23. I work with teenagers, most of my working career is spent debating/discussing/arguing with people who don't understand either a logical solution, or that they are wrong, and would argue the sky is green if they reckon they could get away with it. E.g. I see a kid climbing a fence... "why are you climbing the fence?" reply "I wasn't" "but I just saw you" "wasn't me" "so your telling me someone who looks just like you, ran past you, climbed the fence and then spontaneously combusted at the top of the fence to leave no evidence they ever existed." "ermmm .... yes" ffs.
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