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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. is it a shame thing that you still have your sig with a tangerine in it? why not a new one with a snowflake on it.
  2. dick strawbridge is a legend
  3. i loved that program, almost as good as scrap heap challenge. would love to get a team together for a scrap heap challenge
  4. Exactly at the end of the day its your car mate. If that's what you like then go for it. However..... do think of the safety side of things. I am all for an aggressive look on the wheels and a very minimal bit of tyre stretch. But the main thing for me is safety.
  5. he ran hella flush, cos he's a baller, but i don;t think he ran hella wide
  6. i would suspect docwra may be up there and a few other driftworks fans. from memory jetset is a bit of an extreme wheel whore.
  7. becareful it could be this guy
  8. i drove the xkr down a road that was flooded for 6 miles and it was coming over the bonnet at points. but it was all fine. as long as water doesnt get to the filter most of the rest of the engine is all sealed. only other area of concern is water getting into the bodywork.
  9. my surface RT tablet runs IE10 and i have this problem, but if you toggle into editing mode it gives all the functionality back. editing mode = when typing in a reply box its the top left icon next to your own avatar, looks like a little switch. changes what the font looks like while you type (its a bit like being in HTML code mode) so it shows things like and img/ codes etc but when you post its all normal again.
  10. could go black roof gloss and not carbon. but a good body shop should be able to rub back and give it a lick of laquer
  11. to be fair its very rare an item i'm watching has been posted on a forum, i'm not going to bitch at someone if they do it, its an open forum and people can post what ever they like. sometimes it helps peoples sometimes it might annoy someone, but its not enough that anyone would fall out over it. just don;t start posting jag bargins up
  12. it doesnt worry me now, i dont have a 350z so i don't look for 350z parts, unless i'm looking for new bits to dip
  13. i hate it when people post up ebay links, you spend ages scouring ebay looking for a bargin, you find it, and then some egit, posts it up and all the people who can't search ebay that well suddenly all pounce on it and the once bargin you found becomes a turkey shoot. finding an ebay gem should be the same as digging for gold, do the hard work yourself, instead of waiting for someone to hand it to you on a plate. only time i guess is if someone specifically asks for it, or if you are selling something you're self and want as much publicity and potential buys possible to push up your profit.
  14. chan its looking very tidy now. love that exhaust, but i've always been a big invidia fan as i had their stuff on my old zed
  15. Tempted to take these off your hands to carbon dip
  16. He's going to have something more exclusive than that... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=464189420316701&set=a.464189396983370.1073741827.185149451554034&type=1&theater
  17. saw one of these going round snetterton, awesome little rocket car
  18. Have to say the "jim Wolf Technology" logo is both not very interesting and a bastard to vectorise. i can do it but not to the high standard i set myself. how about a wolfs head and the letters JWT under it? or the words "Busters Box"?
  19. what colour, and give me a length and height and i'll see if i can run one up now
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