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Everything posted by rtbiscuit

  1. Coming on nicely, my wallet cries every time my car needs something. But I think I've done all the big stuff now.
  2. If all new, then I would check gaskets, you may find its just bedding in. Any gaps soon coke. If its still there in 1000 miles then get it on a ramp
  3. Is the whole exhaust new? Or is there any part of the oem system left? You just said you changed the mid pipe, which would suggest the rest is still stock.
  4. I've found that on this forum, a lot expect everything for free
  5. Like mike said, sounds like a hairline fracture.
  6. I prefer my women like bulluci, experienced. Not like the young emma who might cast a spell on me.
  7. had them on the S2000 and the 306 gti6, on the306 thy used to pick up punctures like a whore collects STDs. the S2000 they were better, great performance on such a light car.
  8. long term goal is to do a classic Porsche project
  9. the gsd3 are a soft compound, but thats what made them good.
  10. Sorry I meant it as a worst case scenario. As a side note there are people on here who have warped DBA discs. So brand doesn't always mean better. Admittedly DBA did replace them I think FOC
  11. I find it funny peoples POV's it should be remembered that pads make more of a difference in braking than the actual discs. They are in their base element a large lump of iron. More expensive discs may well be made of a better grade iron, but its still a stinking thick piece of iron. The grooves and drilling are all there to release heat quicker from the discs and to avoid fading. It is still the pad at the end of the day that makes the biggest difference in braking. Take a patent disc, and you can greatly improve its braking with better pads. Take a good disc and pad and swap the disc for a patent and you won't notice as big a difference. Biggest thing with these discs is a higher risk of warping, or possibly the odd crack, but not enough to stop them working. And nothing a brake skimmer couldn't fix. And your more likely to warp them if you either haven't bedded them in properly, or if you drive hard and then stop with your foot on the brake at a junction instead of using the handbrake.
  12. Interesting, but how will it fit under the zed bonnet? You'd need a yank style cut bonnet.
  13. I do like the V1 spoiler, looks good on any zed.
  14. They came out well, I only did them as a jolly, and bob said yes please. Might have to make up some business cards for him as well now.
  15. + 100. Say no more. Are you running for moderator? I didn't know there were elections coming up? No you cheeky bugger, I get fed up with all the language used on FB & I don`t really want to be reading it (purposely misspelt to get past the swear filter) on a forum that is supposed to be a friendly place The reference was to your deputy ..
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