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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. To be fair I wouldn't mind a change. Post a pic of the specimen and I'm sure I can get something done later in the summer. Keep the votes coming
  2. Well the engine landed safely and will be shipped to the Zedus Shedus some time very soon. Project starts June/July time. Thanks for the comments, it should be fun to say the least.
  3. Well hopefully a 3rd polishing machine will help with my efforts. The problem is the machines are not industrial and so heat up and need to cool down every 30 minutes, so a 3rd machine allows the 1st machine to cool down etc. Comp finishes 30th April.
  4. But not as impressive as turning cast aluminium into beauty Cheers all for votes so far, I can't wait for a new polishing machine to allow me more hours in my polishing shed!!
  5. I'd be most grateful for your votes on FaceBook to win a new polishing machine, which will in turn help me ship orders out faster!! http://offerpop.com/...3&rest=0&v=View Many thanks in advance :) Edit - I should really post a pic of the before and after that I entered for the competition to fuel your welcomed votes
  6. All I do is use a handheld screwdriver with the relevant socket piece. Lightly tighten all by hand so that when you torque you're basically at stage one of the tightening routine.
  7. I'd rather hear her scream than my yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarp, THAT'S FOR SURE!!
  8. Been to the ring twice now, love the place, great atmosphere and some good food. Can't think of the name of the restaurant, but they serve Argentinian steak on a hot slab, bit expensive but bloody lovely. I'm no racing driver, but managed 10mins 20s, still slower than Sabine Schmit in a transit van, but hey, like I say I'm no racing driver. I'm sure I could lose 10 seconds very easily with a bit more experience and balls
  9. Thanks Guys, trust me I'm gutted and I've had some great times at all of the Wales meets, so I'm sure I'll have an empty space in my year which doesn't feel fulfilled. Thanks Graham, sounds good to me. Say Hi to Eileen......... :( Edit : Just noticed i'm 13 posts away from 10k!!!
  10. Graham, can you remove me from the Wales list for this year. If you want me to retain the room for now, so that those in the queue receive the room as per the reserve list let me know. Apologies to the regulars, but with the recent passing of my father I've inherited a large number of tasks legal and property related in which to sort out over the coming months. I'll be back for next year, that's for sure in Project C6 350z!! Have a great time everyone, I hope the weather is favourable and that you all have a great time, which you will for sure. There will be no Yaaaaarrrrrrrping this year
  11. If you want new and with a custom colour you know where I am.......(Spacer that is).
  12. I watched the engineering programme on sky with the skywalk. An epic construction and I would walk it.....
  13. Would you sit on this then? Okay then may as well.....
  14. Cheers Jared. As per PM shipping ref will be sent for you tomo.
  15. Thanks Paddy, i had a Wasso spacer myself
  16. I've got a red one that can ship next week. But that's the only colour till the 18th until I can build up kits for other colours.
  17. They were perfect on the Milltek but would have been too loud for me with the Ark, the Ark is perfect with standard cats. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppppppppp!!
  18. I just want to say a big thank you to you all for all the kind messages. It shows how many caring people reside on this forum, the majority I've met and it just shows this isn't just a car forum. It's been a tough time so far, but having to be strong to deal with the huge amount of tasks to deal with, like the dog which must be re-homed, house sold, belongings moved to the UK as well as parting with furniture etc here in Hungary. Then there's the legal process, papers, solicitors, funeral, and maybe at some point get back to normal life. I'm sure that once normal life restores to normal the walls will come crashing in. But family and friends have been comforting, but I guess we all have to deal with these things at some point in our lives. I just didn't think it would happen this soon to lose both parents. Thank you all, your messages have been touching and comforting.
  19. I'm not one for flaunting my news across public forums, but as a lot of people on here I've made good friends with, it seems a logical idea to pass my news. My father passed away at 5am this morning, despite battling the multitude of issues as per my opening post. He subsequently suffered bronchitis and a heavy throat infection due to the lack of swallowing (stroke induced), and from communicating with him his brain was for sure damaged due to the stroke. He was coming in and out of conciousness, memory loss and confussion. He wasn't in a good way at all. He spent roughly 5 weeks in intensive care, and we saw people come and people go as they became fit enough to leave intensive care. My father battled through and through until just a couple of days ago he was becoming very tired. He said yesterday "I'm finished", tough words to hear, and I knew that it wouldn't be long. My mother and father decided 8 years ago to leave England and find a country that would suit their needs for retirement. They loved the tranquility of Hungary and both wished for them to spend their last years in a country which made them happy. I don't blame them, it's a great place. Mum died 3 years ago, and now my father will rest next to my mother in the country they loved. God rest their souls, it's what they both wanted. Probably a little strange posting such a story here, but as I've been sat on this forum over 4 years and have made some good friends, it seemed logical to let you guys know in this way. In fact my father always thought it was a bit bonkers me loving my car as much as I did, but still referred to her as Suzi. Thanks for the support you guys have given, I'll be back on the 18th April to deal with spacers and the like,
  20. To be fair I'll be doing the same, I'm only good with a spanner if I've done it before. I'll be leaving a lot of the expert stuff to the experts. I'll be saying, left a bit, right a bit.....BANG ON! The place of transformation is yet to be confirmed, but it will likely be during June/July this year. I'm still up in the air about how much of the oem functionality I wish to retain. Ian (Bizz) recommended the Sovereign ECU's which is what he's going to use, but I'm swaying towards the Syveccs or Motec. The future of the car will reside on what functionality can be retained, if it's a case of cost over luxury, then I may just strip her our and turn her into a 1/4 mile burner. Already got my eyes on a Vortech SC to push 700bhp, but that's when things kinda get expensive. I'll start at the beginning and see what happens.
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